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Everything posted by Stormpc

  1. Those days of chasing tumbleweeds on scorched Earth are done for you. For your sanity I'm glad you made the move. For the comedy I'm a little sad.
  2. How do you like the new house/neighborhood??
  3. NHL appears to be in serious Jeopardy. Wouldn't it be something is Ovechkin came up just short of Gretzky because this season was shortened or cancelled? Not a capitals fan but I want to see him do it. It was a crapshoot as it was. I gave him a 50% chance. Now I'm not so sure.
  4. It's too bad the covid-19 thread closed. Regardless of the bickering back and forth, I found it very helpful and informative. Forum members were sharing very good information that was not easily discovered or disseminated by formal news outfits. But In fairness, I'm not a moderator nor do I see what goes on behind the scenes. Maybe it was getting uglier than it looked. Anyway it was fun while it lasted.
  5. What was in the context of the email? Can you share a little bit? Eager to know because my daughter also goes to a VA university. I suspect many will follow form when it comes to whatever U VA puts out there.
  6. It's too bad. I just turned 50 last month. Society is broken. It broke probably 10 or 15 years ago whereas there's no middle ground. It's either right or wrong, black or white. Right or left. But many blindly pick a team and stick with it. Politicians on both sides are equally, equally, equally, guilty of doing this. It's just the sign of the times when everyone believes they are important and their opinion is Gospel and not to be debunked or challenged. Probably has something to do with social media, and a generation or two that has been enabled to believe their own thoughts are SPECIAL.
  7. A fair and healthy debate is when everyone gets a chance to speak their opinion. I keep reading about science and data and such, but that can be manipulated in a manner that suits the opinion. I know we all have the same sentiments and goals in mind and that is to get this thing out of here as soon as possible, but what's frustrating to a very large segment on this board and in society as a whole, is one group trying to tell another they do not have a voice. I don't know when this started, I don't care about politics, but it's wrong. This is a great place to be. We have all been together for the better part of 15 years. There's no reason to shutter one segment because it's not a majority opinion.
  8. It's not fair to completely dismiss Phins opinions based on group think and fear mongering. We all have differing opinions, that is our right. Everyone on this thread seemingly makes decent points. Just because his are not part of the majority 'think's' on this board, doesn't mean his do not have equal merit. He has a right to be here without moderation. Let him speak his peace.
  9. I'm probably over 200 miles due south of you and it is as nasty as you say it is here as well. However, not nearly as bad as April 13 when winds gusted over 70 in local areas here. Today it's definitely in the 50 to 55 range. And this is out of the South or Southeast. On the 13th they were roaring from the southwest.
  10. And he hasn't been that great for several seasons now. Not a big fan of his. Overhyped prickly individual. Often injured. Loudmouth.
  11. That's perfectly acceptable and what we were all thinking five and six weeks ago when the quarantines began. I think that's amongst the most realistic dates. Only problem being, not sure we can reach those contingencies.
  12. I dont know ANYONE that has it. All of my family and friends live in Brooklyn and Long Island. A text thread of 12 of us is ongoing since 2015. Only a few of them HEARD about someone they indirectly knew had it. One of my buds is a LT in FDNY in Brooklyn. He is on the front line. Won't get into details here but is aggravated the ground truth is completely different than what is being depicted by the press. Tv and media. Take it for what it's worth. Not a blue or red statement. Just a report. May 15 would be a nice Benchmark to shoot for.
  13. Not sure I would go there. That's insulting to our men and women who sacrifice everything to keep the WORLD safe. Unjustified comment EJ.
  14. Currituck sound, NC, just south of Virginia Beach, was boiling this morning. Pretty wild.
  15. That's the exact same shape of BUTTHEADS head.
  16. Judge Reinhold was in a precarious situation there. The Cars were the greatest beneficiary from that scene.
  17. Same here. My Bermuda is still dormant but the chickweed and hen pen is kind of rampant. I'm going to hit it with fertilizer in the next day or two. Some weed and feed variety. Then once the Bermuda gets going it'll crowd out all of the weeds. But that is usually May before it greens up. Anticipating a much earlier start, although it was below freezing for 8 hours Friday night/ Sat morning (26 for a low).
  18. Usually the last cut is just after Halloween. The ground never froze more than a few days back in early December I think. I have Bermuda grass down here on the coast so it's still dormant but ready to pop. However the mixed in Rye and weeds have been growing all winter long.
  19. February. Most of us are on the third or fourth cut
  20. Good luck. And congratulations. Drought-stricken Stephens City thanks you as well. You know that drought thing you have going on is likely to follow you to your new house. Which incidentally is in a downsloped Mountain Shadow Desert as well. I looked at the annual maps and that place is the driest in the region. It is a beautiful part of Virginia though. Cheers to you and enjoy.
  21. Wxlover is right about the truss spacing. But most of these older homes were built in the 40s and 50s or earlier and used stick-built roof systems with wood that came from local Mills. The heavy hard stuff that you can't find anymore. And most of them have 1x4 wood slat/ panel roof sheathing not the standard 5/8 inch plywood. Many of the homes have 7/12 to 12/12 pitches BUT most of the front or rear porches have far less pitch and tend to collapse if not maintained after a heavy snow that doesn't blow away.
  22. I lived in Oswego County for seven years. I am an avid snow lover. I got tired of it. Saw more snow than I ever needed. Was up there during the 1992-1993 season where we had over 300 inches in my area. I decided I couldn't take it anymore and moved down to Arlington the following year. So snow does have a shelf life for sure to some people. Especially when you get too much of it.
  23. Definitely stay on 11. Do not get on 81. Do not get on 81. I wouldn't go any further north than Adams Center. Honestly not sure you can even make it safely North of Pierpoint Manor but give it a shot. Good luck. Be safe.
  24. Nice Reaper Man!! See if you can get a hotel and re-position yourself up in Adams or Adams Center. I think the jackpot will be in that area. It's slim pickings though re hotels but there should be something available. And you can take your time and crawl up Route 11 without having to worry about stranding yourself on I-81. Good luck. Keep the pictures coming.
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