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Everything posted by Stormpc

  1. I did the same thing yesterday. Used to do it every year. Then got away from it for the last few after I moved. Hoping this improves my luck. I don't have much being on the coast in Carolina. I need any help I can get.
  2. 0.00 here so far. Currituck NC. Top wind gust was 56mph. Not too shabby.
  3. Worcester is a crackhead meth dump. Go to Redfield.
  4. Great view of the launch and travels of the rocket from my 2nd floor bedroom window over Currituck Sound. Was surprised how quickly we were able to see it very low in the sky just seconds after launch... then as it got higher and arched out to the southeast. It was really cool.
  5. BWI: October 29 IAD: October 28 DCA: November 7 RIC October 29 TB: Warmest October Temperature: 81
  6. DP at my house in Currituck North Carolina is 82. It's awful. Hopefully you guys fare well today and don't get any real heavy storm damage.
  7. He sucked. The Vets took over the helm, and thats not good. No respect. Look for a big name like Galant, Laviolette or BOUDREAU. Yes....Gabby is in the running.
  8. Rierdon era is over. They got smothered. He had no answer. They actually dominated game 4 and only won by one goal. ISLES!!!!! LGI!!
  9. ISLES!!!!! Caps had a chance even though they were outplayed most of the game. Good game.
  10. Nice!! I grew up on LI and lived in NOVA for 25 years. Doing my last 10 years of employment in NC. I feel more attached to the DC area than the meat heads in NY.
  11. They can't match up 5 on 5 rolling 4 lines. At least so far. They are getting outworked.
  12. That's good information DCT. I'm down here in Hampton Roads and no one has any idea where to go to get tested. Scheduling through their own doctor takes over a week. Resources are much greater furthet north obviously.
  13. No one wants to hear what these buffoon athletes say on the field. They've tried that a thousand times and all you get is one or two sound bites per game. Nothing worthy of any effort to mic these goons up. Less is better. We don't need to hear anyting from the field.
  14. Mosquito Joe needs to drop his napalm on that entire region. I've never seen so many mosquitoes in my life. Leaving there right now.
  15. It's not a myth or Urban Legend. Unbelievable.
  16. I feel for you. I'm on the sound side in Currituck and it's been brutal. We had the same thing 2 weeks ago when it rained everyday all week long. It's a bummer for the folks that spent all that money to get down here. May be able to salvage Thursday and Friday, fingers crossed.
  17. Saturday is now looking completely dry and Sunday should feature periods of dry weather as well. Friday night looks wet
  18. I am in Northeast North Carolina and I can see it. Pretty crazy.
  19. Maybe they can use the extra resources they don't have to spend on the pool and apply it to the sewer systems and drainage issues they have there. Are they keeping the Tennis Courts open?
  20. Not all curry is Indian. My wife makes tasty Japanese curry dishes. Different for sure. Same general ideas, but a bit less pungent. Look up some recipes. HMart has several premixed products of varying tastes and spice.
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