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Everything posted by Stormpc

  1. Didn't quite have it. He might never be the answer. At least right now. Had flashes of brilliance but can't work out of jams. Going to be a challenge with all these young guys coming up on their career high innings pitched. Going to eat a lot of help from either down below or outside to keep things rolling. Might see a little bit of a step back during the second half.
  2. O's just need to figure out that middle infield situation. Pick up few more BP arms. Should be active at the deadline.
  3. Got an additional 2.18 yesterday. It's a quagmire in the yard. Got lucky/unlucky the past 2 weeks. Almost 10 inches locally. Hit or miss. 10 miles north or south much less. I know what it's like on the other side watching collapsed cells approach praying for a tenth of an inch. Not this time.
  4. How far north does the latest Euro have the rain up the coast? Prior run looked sketchy at the beach
  5. It will be a miracle if they win more than 70 games. Some young talent. Not a lot but they have bullpen arms. Last year too. A normal looking rebuild with 2 potential studs at the top of rotation. Be a few more years more dollars and more pieces. Long way to go.
  6. Sorry PENGUINS fans. Enjoy the show. Without you! LFGI!!!
  7. BWI: 23.5 DCA: 18.2 IAD: 26.2 RIC: 14.3 Tiebreaker (SBY) 22.1
  8. Prevent D is the saddest and dumbest coaching ever. Vikes deserve to lose.
  9. That was awesome. Jets and Fins!!
  10. The Raleigh crew is beaten down. Screw zone this winter. Hampton Roads/NE NC above climo (I average 3.5/year. Got about 12 so far) so it's house money for us now.
  11. Hampton Roads a consistent 3-5 inches. Forecast was spot on.
  12. 32 with moderate snow. Wet coating on grass but pavement starting to slush. 2 warning events in a week. Wild.
  13. I'm on the coast of NC near VA border. I can verify. NE winds picked up very quickly. Moderate snow. 34/32. Coating.
  14. Snow has made it thru Chesapeake and is now to the NC border from South Mills to Moyock. Still rain at my place. But Not for long. 36.5/33. Temps need to crash before anything fun happens.
  15. Echos popping in SEVA/NENC. Just over the last 20 minutes. I have a heavy rain shower right now which was preceded by nothing. That might get the South Side toward Richmond going a little bit and enhance places further west/north. Short-term mesos are having a hard time keeping up with the challenging setup. Sure the expected areas are going to get what they're supposed to but there may be a wrinkle or two somewhere in this subforum. 38/31.
  16. Awesome or a big letdown. I'm leaning toward the latter. Going to be tough to get that Coastal going in time for us. Most likely get a few hours of wind-driven light snow on the backside after she blows up north of our latitude. We actually may be in that no snow screw Zone. Time will tell. No big deal either way. One thing is a guarantee is that wind will be fierce.
  17. Hi. My name is CtrTim. I'm here for you!
  18. We on the immediate coast still in the game, for now. Eastern Hampton Roads, Northern OBX may see a few inches. Expectations are low, as they should be down this way.
  19. CntrTim85 Posted 5 minutes ago lol I got banned from the MA page. And then banned from AmericanWX all together. Like I can't just use an incognito tab and use one of my other 13 names on WX. Anyways, looking good for SE VA/NE NC!
  20. It all depends where you go and what kind of vehicle you're in. If you have an elevated four by four truck you can pretty much conquer anything. But if you only have 3 days I wouldn't go any further then a hundred miles or so.
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