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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. How many wheelies has the Pope done already?
  2. Man I haven’t seen such a flaccid ending to winter in a long time.
  3. I was actually fairly impressed by the snow pack up by Woodstock. It wasn’t like 3 feet deep, but there’s definitely some areas that may have been over 18 inches for sure. It had that look of really covering a lot of stuff, but kind of like where you can tell it hasn’t melted out much yet because there hasn’t been a lot of cutters. Legit deep pack there.
  4. Once I got north of concord clothing was becoming optional. Finally took them all off and threw them by exit 19 for Dendrite.
  5. Ice castles were cool. My son and his friend decided they were too cool and took off lol. Wife out of town so daddy/daughter it is.
  6. On the way to there I saw them sitting sneaky on the back roads. Also saw someone pulled over. The revenue service for NH fully at work.
  7. Yeah was cool. I was surprised that it’s more than that as well. They have that nature walk with the lights etc. 12-18 still otg there. Completely different vibe north of CON. Forgot how difficult it would be to get something to eat in Lincoln this time of year, but luckily found something with a minimal wait.
  8. Boy she she ever let us out. Not even a struggle.
  9. You’re right, just raking in it instead.
  10. It’s like the arctic circle north of MHT and especially CON.
  11. Not sure about weeks, but a few plant shoots coming up in the sunniest spots. I had that late January last year lol.
  12. I was staying in Hyde Park at the time. Sneaky good area for snow in Boston. On a hill 200’ up. We must have had 8-10” before Logan flipped to all snow. The morning of 4/1 a jeep tried to plow and maybe moved 5’ before giving up. They came the next day with a front end loader.
  13. But the amount that fell on 3/31-4/1 was absurd. At least in these parts.
  14. That’s a good question. I’d probably lean rocktober 2011.
  15. That storm was the GOAT. But something like that is highly unlikely lol.
  16. He’s still recovering from his fall. Logan was on and off 50kts+ for 12 hours. Peak 56kts. The best HWW in a wind advisory ever. Many areas gusted over 50kts.
  17. It comes and goes, but an impressive day. Did see a couple of trees down earlier doing an errand so that’s good.
  18. Lot of damage in Billerica today. Been a tough call for torch tiger.
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