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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. Yeah agreed. I went through Christmas Day constantly sneaking a peak at the models and this board. My wife hated it, but I knew it had the potential to be a beast so to me, it was justified..lol.
  2. I know snow wise wasn't that memorable out your way, but the storm itself was such a beast. To have inland spots like ORH and ORE gust higher than BOS is pretty noteworthy.
  3. Bump for an awesome storm locally, although understand if 90% of the people viewed it as NBD.
  4. I have a bunch, but just posting a few shots I had this winter down in Marshfield.
  5. Bump, because I can't get anything resembling a snowflake...lol.
  6. Pinkham Notch 77". http://www.ohcroo.co...ter_of_1969.cfm
  7. Oh that's right...since Dec '09...lol. That was the storm where Andy said it would be in BID right? UKMET fetish.
  8. snowNH has been asking about that storm since Feb 2010.
  9. I've made up for it since then in terms of seeing big snow events, but that one will forever sting..especially seeing that I was so close to the big amounts.
  10. I lived in Brockton at the time, and we had great winds. Branches were flying everywhere. The problems was that I was expected to get 18" of paste whipped around by 70mph winds. I was so pumped. Even my parents were telling me how this may be the biggest snow storm that I have seen yet. I was a pumped up 13yr old weenie. Blizzard warnings were issued. I woke up I think near 4am and it was snowing and snowing heavy. The snow caked onto everything and the wind seemed like it would flatten every tree. It was around 9am or so, where the precip lightened and it turned into this weird sleet like snow, that wasn't accumulating. My temp went up just a bit too. I think I got dryslotted somehow and the marine layer made a second push west across se mass. 18" turned into about 6" with not much precip falling the rest of the day. When I saw areas like Walpole just to my nw get buried with snow...and ORH getting 3'....I wanted to cry...I swear. I thought that was the chance of me finally getting the big snow like my parents always talked about. I was already c*ck teased by the cape blizzards in the 80s. That storm though was a beast and I enjoyed the insane aspects that went along with it. However, that storm will be remembered for one thing....it broke the back of our crappy winters.
  11. That storm is one of my worst memories ever. I swear I almost cried in that one.
  12. Well it sounds like you remember more than most when it comes to weather. It's easy to say to someone "wow you don't remember that?" However, sometimes I have to realize that not everyone is a weather weenie sicko...lol. I do regret that I feel like I lost a few childhood memories of snow, but I still remember the bigger storms of the 80s.
  13. You defintely weren't a big enough weenie back then. I wish I had a camera on me back then, because I must have either had my jaw on the ground the whole time, or smiling ear to ear like the joker. I was in total shock and awe the whole time. Complete awe. January 2005 was close given the combo of snow rates and wind, but I just remember thinking to myself that this can't be happening, during the 3/31-4/1 snow event.
  14. Yeah I got something signed by him when i was a kid. Man, the hype from that storm was unreal...although srn NH had spots that got almost 3'.
  15. Yeah I thought the models overall did well with that. The meso models had it too. In fact, I went through those old emails and in it, I joked about how people west of the Boston band were going to get screwed.
  16. Alright, that's what I thought. I went back through some old internal emails from that day, and saw a congrats GFS in one of them. It must have been for the 24/12z run.
  17. Unrelated, but it was the GFS that first showed the 12/26 storm of last year, correct?
  18. So long as it isn't too strong..probably would be ok.
  19. Yeah those models were the winners big time. I remember comparing each ETA run to the previous run and watching the s/w get more amped up with each run, bringing the low closer and closer. The GFS was a real weenie deflater until last minute when it shoved it nw. It's funny, because I felt that same feeling during PDII.
  20. Lets all hope for a weak Nino next year. West based would be nice.
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