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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. Some good low level stuff in ern MA in the aftn. Widespread hit.
  2. Not sure if it will be Feb 2013 there. The scars are still there with the tree damage.
  3. 4/1/97 was a great example minus the dryslot.
  4. I still can't believe how the fook that storm created what it did...lol. I mean yeah I get it, but man that was a big bag of WTF.
  5. That is awesome. Wow, so cool....another example of a WTF moment from this storm....and there were many.
  6. No way. I got smoked the 19-20. I had about 3" in that storm there, but the two days prior targeted this area. In fact where I am now probably jackpotted on those days.
  7. I also read that ZDR that high in combo with low CC might point to a melting layer. That's unbelievable. What a beast.
  8. I actually remember this one. I got into a pretty sweet band, but just north near MQE was an awesome meso band as you can see.
  9. What a little nuke of mash potatoes this was, although I missed it. This gave PVC a mini inflow jet.
  10. LOL they were pics of pics. I know...but I was excited to find them.
  11. There also was a weak diffuse boundary in the area. That combined with low level CAPE probably added to this brief spin up. Of note, the cell also briefly turned to the right and migrated more easterly once it began to develop rotation. 
  12. We got about 18-20" in Somerville where I was. A little less than I hoped, but not bad.
  13. If I knew we would break up 3 months later, I would have stayed home for that. Of course when I went down, it was scheduled to whiff us.
  14. I apologize for the crappy quality. I'll scan them when I get a chance, but wanted to quickly throw them up. I came home down that after being away in NJ for that storm and snapped a few picks. It was close to 2' OTG. Might have been more if I measured every 6 hrs or so.
  15. Found some old PDII pics. That's my old car on the right. That lump. It's a pic of a pic, sorry about the quality.
  16. It's October. You should expect a shaft.
  17. I stumbled upon this link for archived radar imagery. It's a little cumbersome to navigate, but it has some nice imagery. Only goes back to 2008 though. http://nmq.ou.edu/
  18. I think we talked about it on the board, but I remember thinking that GC was going to get buried. I just said to myself "those motherf*ckers are going to get smoked." That day you could see the banding setting up in PA and it was developing northeast towards western mass. I didn't want to make them too happy, but I was like..."they are gonna get whacked again." LOL.
  19. Oh nice. I used to save some news paper article from storms when I was a kid. I actually had something from 12/26/10 last year. I'll have to find the other stuff at home. When you get a chance, post the damage video. That was awesome footage.
  20. Hey Ryan, do you still have any good links to the Hartford papers or even TV footage of the damage? I figured you must have saved some.
  21. LOL, he must jump around on his bed like a little school girl when you mention "the hills." That coverage was great. You did a nice job with the storm. I sort of get disappointed from time to time missing out on that, but I was able to live vicariously threw you guys during the storm.
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