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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. I actually might get two small ones. Easy to have them look at if you maintain them.
  2. Stone can be a good alternative in some spots, but need to be careful. Otherwise your yard will look like something from El Paso.
  3. I do mulch every other year. Second year looks fine still.
  4. I just saw it today. I skipped that and just doing a preemergent with fert.
  5. I’m getting the itch to seed some areas but I know it will torch. I just don’t want it to look bad all summer, but I may not have a choice.
  6. I didn't think they could anymore, I guess so?
  7. I'm getting 6 yds of dark brown mulch delivered tomorrow. Got to edge first though.
  8. Many times new home lawns are terrible and take years to establish. Just be patient.
  9. Forsythia starting to bloom in spots. Grass starting to green, and magnolia buds about to burst. Did see a few dog woods with those white flowers just starting.
  10. I know exactly what you mean. They might be, but I could have sworn I heard they are some other insect that comes out early. Perhaps it is a mosquito,, but a different breed. They look different from the bastards that get you in the summer.
  11. They aren't quite mosquitoes, but there is an insect that does look like them. I don't know the name, but I think mosquitoes are a few weeks away.
  12. That’s insane. I guess it shows you how strong the sun has an effect on temps when it’s out.
  13. Mid 60s here. Everyone is out and about. We spring.
  14. Nino's typically have shear. But yeah I would guess east based has more of an effect vs central or west. And yes, whether it's AGW or not...a general warmer PAC probably throws off ENSO correlations a tad. As usual, so many things need to get factored in. It's never as simple as saying "well nino or nina mean this or that.."
  15. Nino. May lower overall activity, but as usual, it's the pattern that matters most for us.
  16. Good luck Wxblue! Glad you got a taste of good winter.
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