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About CoastalWx

  • Birthday 05/08/1979

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Weymouth MA

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  1. Lets get that one to work for all.
  2. The storm blows up with the polar s/w and gives SE areas good snows.
  3. Because it's much easier to lose a storm when you only have a 50 mile wide area to cash in on. It's similar to the logic of why a cutter is modeled 10 days out and yet we can't get a storm to hold. Whether the low goes over Albany or Michigan..the sensible weather for us is the same. We are not losing events 48 hrs out. People are getting too comfortable hoping we lock something in 7 days out.
  4. Hopefully Memorial Day just for Tip.
  5. Boston harbor is 38 now. Too bad we don't have a good storm track to take advantage.
  6. I think there is a cold risk then. I just mean next week looks AN.
  7. Phase 1 in Feb isn't typically warm.
  8. Hopefully more pictures of mountain side snow stakes and snow mobile trails.
  9. I expect a fully aggravating pattern of messy and possibly wet storms and then stupid useless cold as they depart. I’ll wait for it to prove me wrong.
  10. EPS is AN all next week. We’ll see if we reload in early March. The Plains sure will.
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