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Everything posted by Johnno

  1. God damn, that is a tough pill especially this week
  2. The three I saw were basically sitting still compared to the planes in the area which were clearly moving fast… it was a definite difference between the two, also much lower altitude
  3. Watched three last night between 9-11pm from the deck, they were all gone by 3am when I let the dog out
  4. Makes the good years that much sweeter I suppose, at this point keep it all away, roads are nice and clean finally
  5. Currently living with the in-laws for the winter at about 1000’ in Barkhamsted, will be interesting to see how today plays out here compared to Canton, currently 32.5 and ra
  6. That was a beauty, had the rates of 2013 but it was day light, I’ll never forget watching that band pivot in on radar that afternoon
  7. Yea thinking 7 or 8” with the thump here tonight and then maybe 1” Sunday with the Currier and Ives while emass gets it
  8. Had to bring the wife to St Francis Hospital this morning for an emergency surgery and made sure to pick the highest parking spot I could find in the lot, fearful of the flooding possibility here
  9. 2021 I think was unreal, Memorial Day and July 4th were terrible cold washouts
  10. Just had 5 minutes of pea sized hail what a pounding
  11. Calling it between 5-6” here with the overnight burst but with yesterdays melting though you would never know it.
  12. Couldn’t believe the difference around 2pm driving thru Winsted on rt44 was just wet, going into Colebrook to the windfarm on the top of Flagg hill road, climbing out of Winsted on 44 through the rock cut the snow picked up intensity and road was covered, easily 16-18” when I got to Flagg hill and wires/trees down everywhere
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