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Everything posted by Johnno

  1. Ice ice baby been a while since we had a freeze up like this, just got a fresh coating as well
  2. Powering dipping… phil might be coming to visit
  3. 3.5” and an absolute pelting right now, when it lightens it’s light zr
  4. 1.5” and probably the best growth of the night so far
  5. I think she was just a brush ots until go time
  6. Ahhh sounds awesome anything connected to RSW would be welcome right now
  7. 1.25” before the flip now steady zr and 30 deg
  8. Man she is hauling azz… beautiful look though on radar for once
  9. Looks like Sunday is the highlight now
  10. Squall of yore right now, rippin
  11. Man what a squall here right now, rippin
  12. -8 but -12 at the bottom of hill this morning…about 5.5” yesterday … we winter
  13. When was the storm that went from like 6-10” on the models and within 48 hours we ended up with like 1 or 2” after modeling flipped in the final 24 hrs or so, it was within the last couple years
  14. Yup, going to stick the underground tank before work and see the damage
  15. I do remember that forecasts were cut back In the am especially western and central CT, then it was off to the races
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