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Everything posted by allgame830

  1. Ok so I am halfway into between those points from west to east just like @cleetussnowso 4-5”??
  2. Interesting…. Roughly 6” up here. And yes @jm1220it did decently well last storm also here it was almost spot on. We’ll see I guess
  3. I didn’t realize a 3-6” event from 287 to 84 is a non event.
  4. How in the hell can the 3k and 12k of the same model be so different can someone explain that to me and don’t give me the BS that just the model sucks we know that already…
  5. Good job lol the model is awful. It took HPN at like 22” at 12z to 2.1” at 18z… wonderful consistency
  6. FWIW OceanStWX from the NE forum thinks these models should be more focused on a low much further west and not the one wayyyy east.
  7. Lol…. I was just stating the obvious because the gap in the watches made no sense don’t you agree?
  8. WSW just put up for Northern Westchester, Rockland and Western Bergen
  9. NWS watches don’t make any sense…. WSW for New Haven county but skips over NoRthern Westchester and Rockland then a WSW in Orange… lol
  10. Still somehow the EURO gives areas Nw of 287 both on 10:1 and Kutchera 6+
  11. Yeah we all know your thoughts and at this point it’s quite nauseating because your focus is so driven on the same models for every storm. Have you used your 5 posts for the day yet. The only thing your right on is major 12+ north of 84. However between 287 and 84 there most certainly could be at least a 3-6+ storm!
  12. From the looks of that the biggest area of uncertainty is south of 287…. North of 287 looks like maybe where the 6” line resides. Just my thoughts anybody can rely their thoughts as well.
  13. The GFS has shown some ticks in the right direction. NAM is just crazy but the UKMET and EURO do still show some good totals.
  14. Please show maps for ICON and RGEM…. Also to note it’s not just the NAM showing big potential there also is the UKMET, EURO, HRRR and RAP
  15. Right there isn’t any consistency at all… at least in the day or so all over the place
  16. I think the problem is there are too many damn models we hedge our bets on… no one model is going to be right…. Stay tuned lol
  17. Aside from “possible” feedback issues…. At times this forum is totally unreadable
  18. Yeah same here. Did quite well up in this area.
  19. Are you close to where I am located?
  20. That’s not the way it works lol. Last time I checked snow is measured on colder surface!
  21. 2 3/4” snowing lightly. In a bit of a lull but looks to be filling in.
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