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About allgame830

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  • Location:
    Thornwood , NY

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  1. Is this sort of an IVT setup because the band is set up over NYC about 50 miles wide up thru the LHV and down across LI and parts of Jersey
  2. Well that wouldn’t be much lead time for agencies to prepare or are we just talking about a few inches or no? If that does indeed happen
  3. So wait since the southern stream is most likely gone this could take a completely different evolution and still give us some accumulations?
  4. He’s been saying that for days now and then 30 minutes later he’s back lol
  5. He’s been saying that for days now and then 30 minutes later he’s back lol
  6. Wait a second did I ever say I was believing it lol… it’s more comical than anything! Now if other models showed roughly the same outcome then perhaps something is going on. Today by 0z was my cut off day with this “storm” I know later then most but I had to let for possible changes to happen. Also again it’s happened before not saying it will so let me get that straight across to you.
  7. Now on a serious note when was all the pieces finally sampled in the modeling?
  8. Ok chief LOL… how about we just wait and see if any of the other models show anything close to this.
  9. So I’m a bit more invested in this right now even though it doesn’t show much up here but my wife and kids are down in Maryland and going to AC for Wednesday night into Thursday so I will be closely monitoring
  10. What’s he doing wrong he’s just stating what the NAM is showing. So yes it is NW of 18z. 1-3 for metro, 4 on E LI and 3-6 down in southern NJ
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