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Everything posted by mob1

  1. Latest HRRR shows nothing for Oklahoma the rest of the night and no notable updrafts in Kansas.
  2. Yep, awefully quiet so far. We've seen some events kick off relatively late this year so we'll see if things pick up soon.
  3. That isolated supercell east of Wichita Falls that's crossing into OK now is really taking off. I think that's the strong cell the HRRR has trekking through southern OK for the next few hours.
  4. PDS warning with that now. Looks beautiful on radar as well. Surprisingly active day
  5. https://x.com/NWSDesMoines/status/1793748408576114777 Greenfield tornado rated EF4
  6. https://x.com/Tornado_Steejo/status/1793040922319495301 This is the tornado that went on to hit Greenfield.
  7. https://x.com/crickbritt/status/1793039817858588974 Was definitely a big one
  8. PDS warning on that one but it's hard to tell given its proximity to the radar site.
  9. Looks like the circulation is occluding and another one setting up to its southwest.
  10. After it cycled, there's a new PDS warning with that cell now. If it holds together, it's going to move over a more populated area soon.
  11. Confirmed large tornado with that cell well west of OKC.
  12. The first picture is absolutely jaw dropping. Congrats on a successful chase.
  13. Debris lofted almost 30K feet with that tornado.
  14. The cell approaching the northern burbs of Cincinnati could be trouble.
  15. Big CC drop on that PDS warned storm as it passed Columbia IN.
  16. Damage in Portage looks pretty significant
  17. Another PDS tornado warning right over Portage. Doesn't look overly impressive on radar, not really sure what's on the ground.
  18. The severity could've been overstated though. We'll know soon enough, it looks like the worst was just SW of them.
  19. Tornado emergency for that Union City cell now.
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