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Everything posted by mostman

  1. Just catching up and I see Ray’s total on the NWS list. Good.
  2. It’s worse. He made the claim that he must of measured with the prior base. That’s calling out his method.
  3. I suggest that everyone else local to Ray file your numbers.
  4. They made an issue because the guy there is sad faced that Dracut didn’t win and Fisher is a smarmy ass. That’s all.
  5. FYI - Twitter thread with Eric Fisher in it calling out your total. If you need backup, say the word I’ll drive.
  6. Can confirm. I’m right on the Chelmsford line and that’s roughly where I ended up.
  7. The band is legit. I think everyone with high totals will have close to half of it from that single band.
  8. Radar says I’m between the bands but it’s still pouring snow. Someone to the left or right of me is going to log some bonkers totals.
  9. I didn’t realize how much I had. I just went out for a walk and I was waist high in some spots. Not an official board clear, but a few non drifty spots around my yard were between 21 and 25. That band did some insane work. When I cleaned my driveway I probably cleared off around 14”. Roughly 4 hours later and close to another 10 inches came down. And that’s after it settled. Ray’s in the band now and you can see how quickly he’s adding up.
  10. The 30dBZs are departing my area. Enjoy, folks to the east of me. That stuff is bananas.
  11. I’ve got some 15 foot cedars in my yard that the entire top half is just bent all the way over. I shoveled them all off the best I could before the snow started, but I think the tops are lost. Probably a few years of growth
  12. It’s, uhh, snowing really hard. Hardest of the day here in the middle of that band.
  13. That band expanded just enough to put me in some good 26-28 echoes on the eastern side. I’ll take that for an extended period. Don’t need 30+, not greedy.
  14. Same here. I’m just about 7 miles to your SE as the crow flies. If you are indeed in Nashua.
  15. First band missed me by 2 miles, new band forms 2 miles the other way. I had my fun in 2015 I guess.
  16. I’m using the distance measuring tool on RadarScope like a madman. Right on the edge now.
  17. Those 34-36 echoes appear to be parking 2 miles south of me. I can see them from up here!
  18. 7 miles to my south east. I’m right on the very edge of that band. Come on. Little more.
  19. Temp here down to 29 dropping at a good clip. Winds really picking up.
  20. Alright band. Don’t set up shop 300 yards south of my house. Don’t do me like that.
  21. The band is crawling towards me. I’m on the fringe of it now.
  22. Moderate to heavy snow here, despite what looks like weak sauce on the radar. Maybe an inch or two down. I wouldn’t call this fluffy, but it’s not slush. Absolutely lighter than the last storm.
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