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Everything posted by mostman

  1. Yeah I’d also like to know. That’s good stuff. What’s the plan for weeds, just let them grow too? Clear cut it in the fall?
  2. Wow. 100x more functional. Doggo seems pleased.
  3. Over an inch of rain here - the viburnum that were in bloom are all bent over to the ground. Good soaking.
  4. This is just ideal weather. I’ll take this all the way to September.
  5. The worst. I try really hard to plant things they don’t like but if they are hungry enough, they will eat anything.
  6. That’s my thinking exactly. But a lot of people don’t see it that way. They say “I’ll just apply spring and fall and be fine.” Once you have a service and you see how much actually goes into a comprehensive treatment, you quickly realize how much work it is. And yeah, it frees you up to do other stuff. I like working on the perennials and the trees and all my planting beds. That stuff is fun. Spreading nitrogen is not. Btw - I used the hell out of the “call us with issues” service last year with the company I use. All that rain and humidity created all sorts of new problems. They were all over it. I may have also called them once because I saw about 5 little clovers in my lawn
  7. Looks awesome. Hiring a company to handle all my fertilizing (including trees and shrubs) was the best call I ever made. It’s expensive (vs doing it yourself) but entirely worth it if you are into keeping your lawn healthy.
  8. Not much. They grow mostly upright and have branches near the ground
  9. River birch might be the right choice, depending on the spot you want to put it in.
  10. I just now realized where you are. The comment about the temperature is right. Give it another month as things warm up. It’ll fill in. When it starts getting weedy, just pull the large ones and wait until next year to apply a pre emergent over the area. As for water, you need about an inch and a half a week. Ideally in two long sessions, not 7 little ones. Deep watering will help make the grass more resilient. If you are getting that much rain still, then you are fine. I know in my area we are actually below normal water. My irrigation will be on starting next week.
  11. In my experience hydro seed will fill in but it takes some time. It’ll quickly look like what you have but take months to really get going. It’ll also be full of weeds. How much are you watering it?
  12. Thanks! Btw - my phlox has just started blooming. Very late this year.
  13. I looked at it and thought about it. Looks like the top housing screws right off so you don’t have to mess with the piping. But it’s pretty buried in the box. I called my local irrigation guy. He’s going to come out and fix it for me. I told him to take his time since, at this rate, I won’t need water until June. But I do need some rain before the next mow. I tried to run the other zones with that zone stuck on and the pressure wasn’t high enough to pop all the heads.
  14. If I seeded right now I promise you the pattern would suddenly flip and we would torch for weeks. Found out today one of my irrigation zones is stuck on. I was doing a test run to water in some weed control. Looks like the bleeder screw on the valve sheered right off (somehow) and it’s stuck open. Beyond my fixing skills.
  15. Tuesday tee time is being cancelled
  16. You’d be surprised. Some of my phlox hasn’t bloomed yet. I’m not sure why, maybe all the water. And yes, that does look like phlox to me. But that’s unlikely to just pop up somewhere unless it’s planted somewhere else.
  17. Because I didn't do it in the fall last year and so it was a total mess after the snow melted. I'll probably do it in the fall this year, even though it should be light. Then I can just stick to that schedule.
  18. I forgot to reschedule my fert treatment and they applied crabgrass control. Problem is I haven’t dethatched yet. They said doing so now would diminish the crabgrass treatment. Is this true? I find that hard to believe after it rained 2 inches.
  19. Thats some incredible depth. It looks like a Christmas Tree farm that was planted 3 years ago. All little baby trees. Except they aren’t.
  20. Anyone have the elapsed radar for the event? I woke up at some point in the middle of the night, checked the radar, and noticed the goods were about 40 miles to my south. I’d like to see what that banding looked like at the height of the storm.
  21. The BOX one is right in the normal place. https://www.weather.gov/box/winter#tab-2 Right next to a "high end" one that doesn't go out as far.
  22. Odd choice - all the other maps with it just go out to 3/3 1am.
  23. I didn’t think when I posted that Tweet last night that it would turn into such a discussion. Ray’s famous!
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