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Everything posted by snowwors2

  1. And... as a side note, they can't even predict rainfall amounts accurately inside of 24 hrs ‼️
  2. Not on-topic here but very cool looking Unit! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bloomsky-world-s-smartest-weather-camera-station-technology#/backers
  3. http://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/Hurricanes-20th-Annual-Winter-Forecast-401555475.html
  4. 6m6 minutes ago Joe Bastardi ‏@BigJoeBastardi The pest shifts west on GFS,brings into play the chance of hurricane winds in every state Fla to Maine Has happened only once.. Donna 1960
  5. If we had one, which I don't know why we don't......... "BIG Thumbs Up‼️"
  6. Pretty much my thoughts...I always hated seeing/hearing the recitation of the temperature/feels like from 100 locations even before they went to this new "feature"!! The predicted 1 degree variation from location to location is absolutely astounding‼️
  7. Interesting, assuming accuracy in projected precip when it seems hard enough to get that right within 48 hrs!Whatever Shena showed at 11 was a mess of numbers for various regions/ "neighborhoods" in our area.. Way too much to sort through!! Don't think that new feature will survive public opinion!
  8. what do JB and WxRisk have to say?
  9. What are his latest thoughts for philly region?
  10. Yep and it'll help the flowers and trees bloom quicker❗️
  11. At least three others,Michelle Grossman, Karen Thomas and someone from Telemundo... Slim pickings for sure! How 'bout Herb Clarke, Gene Crane or Wally Kennan?
  12. Exactly why I posed my original questions... At least some intrigue while the weather is beautifully boring... We'll see!!
  13. Well, I know that's the reason they gave but it seems to me that there is more behind it than bringing a chief meteorologist up from DC just to "fill in" for Glen (who rarely is on at 11pm anyway)... Glen was on the night before at 11 pm and seemed just fine...although he was sick a couple weeks ago... We'll see.
  14. So what is up with NBC 10 and the weather team… I had noticed since earlier in the winter a lot of switching around of time schedules with Glenn making many more 11pm appearances… Now today Sheena was on at 11 AM for the first time that I can recall and lo and behold Doug Kamerrer has shown his face again tonight at 6pm and I believe also at 11pm.. He's actually pretty good and nice to see him back at least for a short bit while it seems they're sorting out which direction they're heading!? Anyone have any input on this?
  15. Thanks Paul...This is what I was referring to ^^^
  16. Paul, not sure if you can see my posts, but I continue to question...Is he back peddling on his prior blog of "no more big snows for the east"???
  17. So is he still thinking no more big snows for philly and nyc?!
  18. From EPWA Montgomery: Snow showers after 9pm until 5am. C-1" by 5am, snow picks back up after 9am Tues, ends around 3am Wed. Snow: 3-5", 5-9" Upper Providence- Horsham SE
  19. I cannot believe how terrible David Murphy is… Watching a noon recording and he just said "some" of the "long-range" models are calling for "some" snow… It's a sin what he gets paid for that kind of dribble!!! He's more like that terrible Mrs. fix it on channel 6… He's Mr. fix-it always handing out obvious stupid advice!
  20. Thanks for clarifying and always keeping "us" updated on JB's latest!
  21. Not really clear on implications for our area?
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