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Everything posted by snowwors2

  1. Buckingham PA... Steady light snow (coating) Temp 23.5° Dewpoint 19° Humidity 84% Snow began @ ~ 10am
  2. More “historic” (top 20?) than “noteworthy”‼️
  3. ‼️‼️ 25 of those during my lifetime (1959) And...14 during my youngest’s (1994) Much bigger clustering since 1994‼️
  4. Central Bucks (Buckingham) 18-20”‼️‼️
  5. ^^^^^Someone PLEASE tell Ralph to stay in bed until at least 12z “runs” Friday‼️
  6. 0z Suite UPDATE: System stabilized... (pending Ralph’s AM reaction to 0z Euro)!!!
  7. Ralphy Boy... I don’t know about the ultimate outcome of this storm..... But I DO know that I’m somewhere between painful constipation and severe diarrhea with your back and forth analysis‼️‼️
  8. Let’s ALL savour this joy and not jump on every lesser run between now and Sunday‼️
  9. It’s all simply guess work, hope and conjecture at this point folks... Just let it play out...you’ll go crazy trying to figure it out from the numerical models prior to Saturday!
  10. Contact Tech support ASAP... they are VERY responsive and will do a remote calibration for your device!!
  11. Larry Cosgrove shared a post: What a "Greenland block" means to you. See also: https://lnkd.in/gDgAvsT The weather pattern over North America during the next 5-6 weeks will likely be heavily influenced by a large blocking signature, a positive 500MB height anomaly commonly known as a Greenland Block. A symptom of a negative North Atlantic Oscillation, the persistent closed ridge complex can produce two noteworthy effects: 1) Keeping the incoming storm track suppressed toward lower latitudes in the USA, with strongest periods of disturbed weather off of the shoreline of the Mid-Atlantic and New England states and 2) enabling drainage of cold air from Canada into the lower 48 states. All of the numerical models have consistently shown ridging in the vicinity of Baffin Island/Greenland from the medium range (and in some cases) through the month of January. The analogs are also strongly favorable for this feature. If you look at forecast guidance, you see a trend of storms coming into the West Coast being diverted into Texas, then to Georgia, then slowing up along and off of the East Coast. It is a fairly classic scenario. The result? Heavier than normal precipitation in the eastern half of the U.S. Temperatures gradually trending below average after each storm.
  12. My Ring floodlight cameras provide me 360° views around my entire home... This one (facing NE) early Thursday am near the end of our recent snowstorm! https://ring.com/share/7d6774a1-eea2-44be-bde6-8f102b95127e
  13. At the other end of the weather spectrum... Towns in New England that were forecast to have several inches received several FEET instead (up to 4 feet in sections of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine)... Even some 40”+ amounts in parts of north central PA‼️‼️
  14. Well, they’ve probably “done 10 and 12” in December” too!
  15. Funny how our “snow” minds work... Just imagine for one moment that all models, up until this run of the Euro, had us getting 1-3”.... Then we get this run of the Euro dishing out ~12” immediately NW of Philly... Different reactions/emotions no doubt... Expectations!!!
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