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Everything posted by snowwors2

  1. Gonna start calling you “Heisy”‼️
  2. …Think I’ll go sledding in the AM‼️
  3. Feel like @KamuSnow…Incredible resilience, shot 5 minutes ago‼️
  4. Those birds are all around in abundance year round, now, if you see a hummingbird pass by, you know winter is LONG gone‼️
  5. Don’t know about Paul but here in eastern central bucks: Since December 1st, I’ve had 24 days where the temp remained at/below 32°… Quite a few of those stayed below 20°‼️ Also, had 43 days at or below 32° up at my coastal Maine cabin!
  6. Correct… Funny thing is, it’s actually a south facing lawn but the north slope, trees and “mountain” behind my home combine perfectly for a long lived glacial oasis! In fact, mid-December to mid-January, the mid-day sun barely rises above that “mountain”! Fifth home since getting married in ‘85 and, until now, I’ve always cursed out the homeowner who had a shielded lawn, as invariably, my lawns were ALWAYS first to melt on the block NOT anymore…It’s made this very cold, but minimal snow winter, seem very acceptable‼️ …LOLOL all related posts‼️
  7. An “equal opportunity employer” ‼️
  8. I’ve had coverage in my backyard since the first snow after that New Year’s rainer… I’ll have coverage until May at this rate‼️ First photo: 11pm Thursday
  9. Is see what JTA did there … But, like Kamu, my first thought was… ”Oh yeah…Well, I remember “HEAVY SNOW WARNINGS!” Gives me chills just reminiscing about those days‼️
  10. Same…Per my earlier post (photo)…White on the ground pretty much since the first snow after the New Year’s rainer! It’s made it feel like a MUCH snowier winter than it’s actually been!
  11. Backyard this AM… Hanging VERY tough‼️
  12. AND, kyw radio Accuweather revised:“coating to an inch or two for Philly” and “perhaps several inches south of the city” as of a live update I heard around 6pm.
  13. Elliot was a master… I also really loved Joe Bastardi’s (before he started “selling subscriptions” to his own weather company) very detailed analysis of what “could” happen “later this week”…“Katy bar the door‼️”
  14. No, kyw radio has been back with Accuweather (again) for a while now!
  15. I think they take accuweather input and tweak it at times.
  16. Yeah but Accuweather on kyw radio is often different than 6ABC… 2-4” was kyw, not sure what 6ABC is going with?
  17. It doesn’t get 2-4” up to Philly, does it?
  18. I know, I can’t figure out what they’re doing… I’m guessing they’ll change it this evening⁉️
  19. (KYW) Accuweather still calling for 2-4‼️⁉️
  20. Yep… im down here with my son, looking good‼️
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