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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yea no, record set today and I find records interesting even if its not imby but I will remember this next time you post about Chicago
  2. Amazing season at Mammouth continues with a Atmospheric River Cat 4 event incoming. The outputs are insane 402 mm is 15 plus qpf. Will be interesting to see what their snotel sesame study at 11 k shows for a final depth. Just starting
  3. Plus the Ull is coming . Gonna be a great day on the hill before the 60 mph winds show up
  4. Core last night as freezing drizzle just started 3.5/.78 final total precip .97
  5. Looks great outside, nice event to kick off our increased chances of measurable.
  6. 3.5 snow and sleet, freezing rain now, 29 degrees
  7. You will like this Mike Solomonoides took this in Farmington, Dendrite examples and sleet
  8. 18z Euro still to come, take off .4 everywhere NH border south .2 north Heckuva snow sleet freezing rn storm
  9. Yea that mix is adding up more effective than pure sleet. I put up a .25 in an hour with moderate
  10. Amazing how when you haven't had snow in so long, 2 inches of snow looks like a foot lol
  11. I love late Feb and March snow, the sun is warm, the ice is minimal and the skiing is perfect. For outdoor winter fun its the best of times.
  12. HRRR says All of this is frozen off the coast in CT and west of Clinton Ct to Bos line. Impressive . Might even be all frozen further East as its all northerly winds as LP is just south of the forks of LI
  13. HRRR gives folks like Dendrite Gene Bank 8 plus before any sleet 3 to 4 south of the pike to CCT 5 to 7 Pike North and as everyone here except PF knew he doesn't sniff sleet
  14. Phase 7 in late Feb and March is not bad at all dude . I dont understand the angst in here but I guess its easier on some people to always think the worst.
  15. Yep 6 z Euro for 2 am tonight torches SE areas
  16. I try to be more thoughtful and respectful of others opinions, you should try it. Your new found elitism is a surprise
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