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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Lol BDL and IJD gusted to 52 , 60 K without power versus 20 K
  2. Nice edit awt, but your south of the pike is still in my reply
  3. Lol wut, take a look at the PNS gust and damage reports and tell me again how south of the pike had the strongest winds.
  4. Some have proof and know the truth, no anger just the facts mam. He just made you look foolish and you quoted him, lol too funny. Let’s move on to snow cuz NDIT
  5. Real issues . All kidding aside pretty impressive gusts but as expected NW winds aren’t our big damage winds in winter. Those SE winds seem to have a twist taking off tree tops more efficiently. The Oct 17 and March 18 events were much more impressive. Most I seen around here was 50 mph today, not many branches down around here. As you often say the pics we see today are of rotted trees and white pine branches.
  6. Be careful he will either edit or delete any reference to that.
  7. Lol just lol your home closer to IJD , no damage at your property for storm number 321 you called for massive damage across the state. No Damage in Tolland NDIT
  8. Your house? Sucks for the 64 out of 6400 homes in Tolland for sure. No one doubted the impressive winds most doubted your damage assessment
  9. When trees and branches were ripped off all around we all share our pics, wonder why the massive damage and forest leveling storms has so few AMWX posters pics especially from the ones who warned of days without power due to lineman not being able to make reapirs
  10. Lol who did that, can’t help you can’t see pics on your flip phone. You ftl big time on another false accusation, maybe you can go back an edit a post but you can’t change a picture date.
  11. Did damage occur in the believers neighborhood, pics?
  12. Lol once again you live closer. Don’t mean to interrupt your orgasm but I ask two favors, pic of your Davis highest gust above 60, damage pics from your property. The fact there are only 1.53% people without power in CT says more than your 60 plus gusts all over CT. We had more damaging winds out of the SE and there is a reason most expected high winds with minimal damage. But please post all the damage. It’s always forest leveling with you but we never see pics from your home of wind damage only other areas. So when can expect a Davis pic and damage pics
  13. Amout best action north of the Pike, please take pics of damage at your house after the max wind comes through.
  14. But a snow squall warning doesn’t include that criteria?
  15. Cool most of the world associates squall with precip cept the wxdudettes and dudes
  16. What a winter up there deep snow since Mid Nov
  17. The warned squall was in Plainfield Sterling Voluntown
  18. Fringed by warned squall just to my south, graupel and dendrites
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