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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Yea with a low near NYC that locks in the cold. .4 qpf for the whole event is frozen
  2. Competition is so soft and beautiful on days like that. Miss it man so much
  3. Beware the ides of March. March 12 ain't happening James Days 11 to 16 EPS 850 anomaly
  4. Like Jerry said most intense storm since 15. This had a Jan 2011 feel. Good call Kev on the upped 12 to 18
  5. That sucks, I thought about that this morning but I can't lift just push thats why I was up all night, easy snowblowing until the rain for 5 minutes which instantly flashed to puking snow. Sad for your bro
  6. Epic https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/snowmap.html?zoom=8&lat=41.91&lon=-71.8&hr=24
  7. Epic night in the history books 11.75 final 37.2 on the year
  8. 11.75 Interestingly the tops of trees have no snow, when I was outside during the blitz there was one huge gust of wind. Radar showed a gravity wave. It was the most intense 15 mins of snow( 1.5 in 15 mins) I have witnessed easy 5 to 6 hr rate in that burst.
  9. Lol nope out in the shed knocking snow off, had a 3.5 per hour then started to mix, shit is brutal heavy. 9.5 new
  10. 3.0 new 30 degrees moderate to heavy snow
  11. Average since Feb 2, March torched in 36 which was the long term since 1886 record in that area. They are blowing cold records out of the book
  12. Break out the jorts. March sun does feel awesome this morning. Hey at least you are not in Havre, talk about blowing a record away
  13. Yea install, March 12 is walking in the door
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