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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Is this from the same guy who said March 12 was walking in the door. LR is a crap shoot as this month proved. Voodoo
  2. I wish we could go out like last year, snows then high and dry with warmth, little mud and buds popping out as soon as the snow melted.
  3. Lol he just called me, a 8 inch underground fire Sprinkler line just blew at the converted mill complex he manages. He is leaving tomorrow for the trip, never fails for facility Operations managers that shit like that happens the day before vacation.
  4. Little Joe headed your way this week for what was our week in Maine this year. Looks like he picked a great bluebird week. I am coming up the 29th 30th to watch the pro ski event at SR. Hopefully there is a biggie the week before. EPS keeps getting colder LR. Something will pop
  5. No sublimation with an inch of very hard crust here. Still 9 inch depth although I did lose .02 in w/e yesterday. Geeky me watched how a cleared path got a little muddy around 1ish then refroze around 3 as the sun went down more, low dews and low 20s will do that. Melt season starts Sunday. Need to melt the glacier on the pool cover.
  6. 4 lonely degrees, awesome sunrise on a midwinter landscape
  7. Its Friday and 50s but Sunday and 70 sells better
  8. Did they bounce back at you harder than you threw them
  9. Obviously some sleet mixed in but pretty strong front ender. If this goes like the rest 3 here. Euro definitely amped up the rain on the south coast
  10. Maybe right but Nam past 24 is not anything I would hang my hat on either. Crazy you hump it now after Mondays debacle performance
  11. Snow on snow March 9th is ok with me. Seasons wind down like this, couple of warm days then cold couple more warm then cool . People acting like its its something new to be in the 50s mid March smh
  12. Kuchera is usually pretty close in sleet events but not so good with all snow. Bufkit is best
  13. If my pattern continues it will be 3.3 here, 4 th 3 inch snowfall in a month
  14. Not saying anything but take a look at what the NAM had for snow depth increase for the 8 to 16 storm here. Another fraud snow map
  15. Day 2 same look, same feel, could feel the ice cold snow radiating cold while sitting on the steps. The look of the cake is unreal, perhaps because you had fluffy stuff it’s different. That 15 minute mix with torrential rain the other night just locked the cake in. So gorgeous out here. The sun reflecting off the ice has made for stunning winter scenes, impressive any time of year. Best cement outcome in years. The other March cement storms didn’t lock in, this one with its -15 to -20 departures is pure winter.
  16. Totally felt like mid winter. No way your run this morning below zero felt any different than mid Jan. Beautiful cake job here. Love the look especially for March 7th
  17. Lol I have 9 inches of hard crust snow in the yard that hasn't melted in 2 mostly sunny days, 26 degrees
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