I remember my Dad planting a Japanese Maple when I was 3, it was about 3 foot tall. 59 years later it is 30 feet tall and beautiful. A favorite climbing tree from me to the grandkids. Sadly not in our family anymore but oh the tails that tree could tell.
I spray the lawn with Triazadine through the hose,let it sit a day before allowing anyone on it. Also spray cedar oil, been 3 years since any of the 8 dogs has had a tick.
The amount of flooding going on is insane. The media can't cover it all but with 162 tornados this week, super high wind lines, and historical flooding it certainly has been a crazy week.
If I was to draw up an environment where I could spend the rest of my days it would be today, cool night warm low dew day with a slight breeze to ward off the bugs. Just perfection