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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Region wide Strike and more to come
  2. After 228 days it’s over. BTV pic
  3. Perfect kind of gentle small drop heavy rain too
  4. I am a ten pin right now .41 of needed rain ftw so far
  5. Sun just went in, nice day until now.
  6. Beautiful with the pool reflection. You must get good drifts there with that farmers field.
  7. It didn't get cloudy until 3, I was outside all day just sat down for dinner on the deck. A little chill in tee and shorts but still nice.
  8. Clouds ruined my tan time today
  9. More like COC of yore COCOY
  10. My 15 year old pool pump shit the bed and the filter connection to the pump cracked so I put a new pump and sand filter in. Have only used DE so its my first experience with sand. Any pointers will be appreciated
  11. Nose helicopters everywhere this year. Nary a Caterpillar but a shit ton of moths when the outside light is on. My friend in Westerly said his beech leaves are under full attack by a tiny yellow green worm, don't know what it is myself
  12. All mixed together? Sounds like a great party
  13. Only had .1 here, Garden needs the sun all weekend. Grass is off the hook growing fast. 2nd mowing this week tomorrow
  14. Lets hope that organized LP for next week doesn't stall, that could be a 2 to 3 inch deal
  15. Legalization failed again, time for the people to step up and vote a referendum
  16. Clean Canadian air, about as good as it gets. Enjoy
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