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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Kev give you some craft beer or your usual 40 oz malt covered by a paper bag?
  2. We go through this every year, just dive down ten feet when the surface is 75
  3. Until the first NW wind upwelling event
  4. Save this next time someone points to the 3K NAM for Hurricane guidance up here
  5. I ran a 360K sq ft facility for 25 years, the constant battle between occupants about temp was tiresome. Cubicle mates both complaining one cold one hot. Everyone has a different perfect temp while working. I tried my best within Museum standards of 68/72 over 50 to please everyone but you can't. Often the coldest ones sat near a discharge vent discharging 55 degree air that was trying to satisfy a thermostat that read say 74 degrees. We actually moved one person who despite being in the same room never complained again. I often answered calls and emails by saying I will take care of it. After an hour I asked if it was better. 99% of the time the response was yes. I didnt do anything, just the air handler slowing down the flow of air. Of course you need variable air flow for that. Constant volume units blowing cold air to satisfy a thermostat are an issue everywhere.
  6. Its a wonderful day even a little breeze.
  7. So you still cant read, lol you do realize he was talking about NNE not NYC area. I know its hard for business majors but try reading more science
  8. Smoke um if ya got um, like a good firepit smell? or would you rather smell ozone in NYC area?
  9. Mid 60s and near 70 in AQI areas https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=OKX&product=RWR&format=CI&version=1&glossary=1&highlight=off
  10. The small bastards seem to enjoy wet shaded areas. The monster horse flies leave a mark
  11. You have in the last 3 days mentioned dog shit. Are you obsessed? Obviously you have no clue about dog care. Does it smell as bad as the shitty diapers or do you clean up and empty them constantly? Yea my yard is cleaned twice a day and bagged and trashed in a sealed garbage can.
  12. Urban corridors are the worst in heat waves with higher humidity, gross smelling and definitely a health risk. I will take mixed 90/55 for days rather than stagnant 90/68 near a city, some differ.
  13. Glad we dont live there. You would be educated about AQI if you could take the time to read. The alert is for Ozone not smoke, the laughs on you. Congrats to all those who get cracks on their gaskets on their gas powered toys. Damage!
  14. Union and Stafford Ct all had lows in the 50s
  15. From Mwn Well, the reason why the increase in water vapor (humidity) is so important because most of the haze we see, especially on the east coast, is because of the chemical reactions that occur in the air between pollutants like Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), which originates from the burning of fossil fuels, other industrial processes, volcanic eruptions, and dah dum… wildfires. SO2 bonds with the oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) in the water vapor and air to create various sulphur oxides (SOx) and can even precipitate as Sulphuric Acid (H2S04), if in liquid form. If less water is present, then as a solid in the form of ammonium salts, which if mixed with water can create Sulphuric Acid. Either way, they both act to scatter the light because the molecules are big compared to air and in different light spectrum, can appear differently. Sometimes, the bonds are created by oxidation reactions in which the sun helps the process along, a process called photo-oxidation.
  16. One thing for sure you are dead wrong that the air quality alert is for smoke, learn somethings
  17. Yea I was talking about the conditions in our area that generally cause aq alerts. Of course you can get them with totally stagnant air but more likely in high dew situations. Different animal than LA and wood smoke out west. Look at last July and August and October, pick out the HHH days
  18. Crushing the pool today, 80 here after a low of 59, poor folks who only dropped to 69
  19. Name me one time in the summer with low dew air . Its part of the issue not a whole. You need stagnant air, sunlight, water vapor.
  20. Congrats NYC Ct industrial shore areas on the smog, never happens with low dew air in the summer but always happens with high dews.
  21. Do you read or just make stuff up on the go. The alert is for ozone
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