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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Ocean is where my heart is but as it was my cayonnes were somewhere north of my tonsils at 63 degrees
  2. I remember my Dad planting a Japanese Maple when I was 3, it was about 3 foot tall. 59 years later it is 30 feet tall and beautiful. A favorite climbing tree from me to the grandkids. Sadly not in our family anymore but oh the tails that tree could tell.
  3. We pool, open for the grandkids, 63 degrees was cold but had to go in to tighten some screws and clean surface debris. We summer
  4. I spray the lawn with Triazadine through the hose,let it sit a day before allowing anyone on it. Also spray cedar oil, been 3 years since any of the 8 dogs has had a tick.
  5. Death toll at Everest now 10 geezus. Yet another COC day, wow
  6. What a bunch of fools. Geezuz what a way to die, there is a reason the extreme adrenaline junkies don't last too long.
  7. Today's Mammoth report BASE DEPTH RANGE 90-155" 90"
  8. So how is everyone's above normal from here on day going. Cloudy windy 62 off a low of 49 normal high 73 normal low 50
  9. The amount of flooding going on is insane. The media can't cover it all but with 162 tornados this week, super high wind lines, and historical flooding it certainly has been a crazy week.
  10. Yea was chilly 49 at 6 when I was watering the gardens
  11. Raw Chilly cloudy 53 off a low of 49
  12. Just run with AN every day every month.
  13. Fake news sells in your world. Say it enough and it will be true I guess.
  14. Tomorrow and Saturday , OK. Shall we go 10 above the charts like you suggested we do this past weekend?
  15. Shitty month of Napril wet cloudy, May sucked , one warm day, beautiful last 2 days . We COC
  16. Which IPA did you eat for dinner?
  17. If I was to draw up an environment where I could spend the rest of my days it would be today, cool night warm low dew day with a slight breeze to ward off the bugs. Just perfection
  18. Doesn't get any better. Wow
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