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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Kiss any severe by by north of the south coast, rainers
  2. You on the island? I think @StormSurge has the best shot. We have heavy rain incoming 73 degrees and cool
  3. I am outraged Tom Brady jumped off a 10 foot cliff with his daughter like every rural parent has done with their kid for centuries. Lets make more fake outrage. Someday peeps will understand what is going on.
  4. Annoyed, no just laughing at the barrage of tweets touting the historical nature. Logan Airport has quadrupled in asphalt. Heres a thought, asphalt cools slower than grass or even concrete. Anyone who is surprised these UHI areas set new minimums under this weekend conditions is not understanding why.
  5. Maybe you should not try so hard. My original post was questioning the statement made that the US has had more heat records this year than cold. I posted a graphic saying it was not true. You asked me for New England, not possible. You moved the goal posts, tried a fake punt. Totally irrelevant to my original post.
  6. Horrible on a phone, just an ink blob
  7. Seems cooler here, I would say just south Norwich ares
  8. Didn't you just tell me where people live? cant tell by that ink blotter what this ytd is either
  9. It was fukin hot everywhere, no one stayed in Boston yesterday
  10. Wary or weary, don’t like the looks of some modeling with supercell tracks moving NE
  11. Vail just bought Mount Snow in Vermont Hunter Mountain in New York Attitash Mountain Resort, Wildcat Mountain and Crotched Mountain in New Hampshire
  12. Eric Fischer blowing up Twitter with tales of hottest ever in Boston etc etc. congrats to those baggage handlers who work outside on the Tarmac right on the harbor.
  13. No mention of that when heat records were getting blown away, it’s all relative to the initial statement. In any case after years of heat records getting raked this year flipped the script here in the US
  14. Funny this question never came up before....
  15. Didn’t some say the other day high records were destroying low records this year?
  16. What in the Sam Hell, crop circles in CCtCCT
  17. Yep, interesting waves along the front with high PWATS. Gully whomping
  18. Will you be safe in your concrete basement
  19. Nice, I thoroughly enjoyed the heat wave, having all the kids and grandkids (great too) splashing around, spraying hoses, throwing water ballons getting the dogs soaked was a ball. No one complained about the heat as it was water works here all weekend. Best part of the day is seeing all the kids crashed out from exhaustion with smiles on their faces. They too will have fond memories of heat.
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