Truly a COC morning. Suns out guns out. Before the humidity goes bonkers getting ready outside for the fam to come for the weekend to the designated cooling center lol.
I mean some of us love to enjoy winter sports when winter is at its worst why not find a way to enjoy summer when it’s that way? Find water and do water sports. You will survive.
Thanks guys, the bitternut one is so beautiful and an awesome shade tree. The shagbark is straight as an arrow and at least 80 to 100 feet tall but drops nutz like friggin crazy and they hurt and cover the driveway. The pignut doesnt drop until late.
Yep but you did post this AM, dews in the 70s all day, pretty much another very short term phail for your BA. You are the Dave Kingman of the forum, hitting .186 with 35 hr's and 220 strikeouts