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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. July 18th 1999 high of 98 degrees at Yankee Stadium and a perfect game by David Cone
  2. Did Ryans right hand man have 67 degrees and moderate rain at 2pm for Ct?
  3. I didn't get the older colder thing yet.
  4. Oh man they are brutal. They howl a lot here. Neighbor lost a chicken to a fisher cat during the day when he was letting them free range, killed it and left it.
  5. This garden runs 100 feet along the Eastern edge of the property. Last 5 years I mulched the beds but this year I just let it grow. We have mint to the right and other plants like Hosta but the high growing weed in the back I have no idea what it is. I kept the chain link fence and attached the wooden one to it because I was afraid of blow down. The last thing I want is to lose a dog, ours or fosters. There are a lot of coyotes here too. It may not look great inside but there safety is paramount. 450 feet up so far but I had 175 left when my back blew out. Friends and Family are going to finish it once it cools. Anyways I am pleased with the garden. Also have a raised bed 12 by 12 of herbs and vegetables and I heavily weed that.
  6. Ok just had a big gust and cooler. Nice clean out of muck air.
  7. You absolutely know we bust balls at all times and laugh while posting. Its weather no one really gaf. Love ya man, look forward to having some brews some day. I will leave my KA bar home
  8. This is fun Jerry, discussing 70 dp versus 63 DP isn't
  9. Hey he might get shot too or more likely have a beer bought for him. But he may hire Blackwater security, install extensive surveillance cameras, have a follow car filled with men with glocks and AKs, ya never know
  10. Lol when you post hype shit all the time you are going to get called out
  11. Yea I forgot too. Thanks again for providing local stats, its all I wanted to see. It bugs me when charts like Nolls are shown with 38N as representative of the NE.
  12. Cool, nice looking weeds are nice looking
  13. Who isn't accepting it, or are you making that up
  14. No debate but the issue was 38 N thank you for providing those charts relevant to our subforum. I am confused on how a trend chart starts below its initial value
  15. Can you explain the trend charts, do you have access to say moving average.
  16. Nice wish we lived there. Some are happier though with 70 DPs and clouds
  17. Go back and read last Julys thread, it was an armageddon of Dews according to Kevin, lol
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