Fuking gorgeous this morning. There is nothing better than sleeping with the windows wide open in late July. These days are limited every July especially near the coast within 45 miles as the ocean heats up the dews rise. Hot July didn't equate to HHH but outstanding temp call by Kevin. Kudos to him. LR certainly by all accounts looks the opposite of HHH. Sun angle is still strong so temps will be up there just more of this, please......
Thanks man. I see they set the all time German high temp. He said no one has AC but it’s very dry, humidIty is under 20% , much cooler in the shade and house, nights cool quickly. Rest of the week is 80s
Funny how you discard these when you used them when they showed heat. Similar to when you used the weeklies yesterday but tossed them all spring. Classic agenda fit poster
You came into a weather thread to see if it would be sunny and nice for the next 5 days, answer is yes. Would you like an hour by hour temp analysis. Nws Boston
If you think that before you retire you are already in trouble. Hope you live a very happy long life. My mind and body are thoroughly enjoying every second. So many people tell me how chill I seem. Its true. Could be the dabs though lol
Bro can you run me one for the area near my sons house in Baubenhausen Germany, he asked as his German wife said she had many 40c days when she was growing up