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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Guess about as much as Brians HFD area and 90 % of any climo record from the 1800s
  2. Interestingly taking ORH as example, the number of days with minimums less that 50 has increased from 134 to 140 while the number of days over 85 has decreased from 24 to 15 , applied regression line
  3. Odd in HFD they only have had 12 , 90 degree days, 7th all time. Where people live its been hot/warm and dry with some HHH days like this upcoming. 4 days left in the period
  4. Yesterday was just perfect for this old man, 200 ft rides on 4 to 5 swells forceful enough yet gentle. Great teaching waves. I taught me kids and grandkids the art over the years and they probably spend 6 hrs in the water having contests.
  5. Yep rainy period coming up before the dry mild extended period.
  6. Its a steamer Stanley. More fun in the hot summer sun.
  7. Pickles there was rideable surf yesterday, should be better today
  8. Why is she purple, look at the damage to her hind quarter. Heavy heavy rough sex
  9. How friggin glad are we we don't live there. CCT FTL
  10. What's this 5 days in a row of great July weather?
  11. 78 degrees, 5 to 10 mph seabreeze, water temp 72. Does it get any better in July
  12. Lol it ain't muggy out here, have to call BS on this one, there is a morning chill in the air. Put on a few pounds.
  13. Transition week before we dry and mild again
  14. Beautiful cool evening here at Ocean Beach for a concert. The amount of free concerts every weekend all around here is great.
  15. Said they would miss it by .2, Hartford itself is already in 6th place but some will claim CT had its warmest July ever
  16. Euro shows next week to be transition from our dry warm to HHH with precip then back to dry warm
  17. Watching NBSN on my IPad on the deck, you can see the building CU in the background as they climb. Will screenshot if I can
  18. Yes we know there was existing snow cover in the upper alps, look at where the hail fell, not at the top. They were descending
  19. And yes I have seen hail melt on contact partially frozen before
  20. Surface temps were in the low 50s when the Tstorms blew up according to Meteofrance, they said freak hail storm.
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