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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Ah can you define yore? I mean the definition of Chamber Weather is now only spring and mid fall. Yore must mean when people had knickers up to thy thigh?
  2. Apparently some people love stank, God bless them. How many people walked outside today and said oh man what a gorgeous day. Probably the 2 stankies here. ASATT all stank all the time .
  3. I took many readings at the URI climate site with sling psychrometers during my internship. Brian run a Kingston RI DP chart, many readings were mine from Sept 92 to April 93 lol
  4. Nah everything is fine tuned and perfect. 2 degree drifts mean nothing.
  5. Hartford area, 6th warmest met summer to date, 3rd solstice
  6. We like our cold mid Nov to mid March 85/55 and sunny is now all cold all the time? dafuk
  7. I had never heard of Drione so I went to their FAQ page. It will kill bees and hornet's but not yellow jackets and its harmful to birds. Q Does Drione Dust kill yellow jackets? A Drione Dust does not treat foryellow jackets. As an alternative use Tempo 1% dust.
  8. Lol nice change from your original meaning
  9. Relax his summer ends in 3 weeks when he packs the first backpack full of lunch
  10. Its amazing how bad reading comprehension is in here. Has to be a product of their 150 character upbringing
  11. Not one person ignored the departures yet you continue to make it seem so.
  12. Weeklies, lets see this pans out come Sept1
  13. DC averages 36 90 degree days. Lol yea just like DC summers used to be.
  14. You are downplaying it lol. Hey congrats on the new baby boy. So so awesome
  15. Lets look back on posts, people say its been nothing but HHH, people respond well no,people post no 50s, people respond well no, people post no cold fronts, people respond well no. Then its oh look they are downplaying the Heat. So much spinning, goalposts moving, changing what people said. Right out of the playbook, except many of us have reading comprehension, science skills and facts. Others shout from the hills and it echoes back cuz they enjoy the echo chamber.
  16. Really cuz my 22 posts about how hot its been mean nothing. You got the play book down pat
  17. Actually to make sure you all can read. No one challenging the fact its AN we challenge the missing H in HHH. PF can twist with the best
  18. Wait in the following post you say to prove we don't get cold fronts anymore look at monthly averages, lol I guess you mean to say we dont get cold months. Ok that we understand
  19. When I lived on the farm I torched one and then dug out the mammoth 4 foot by 3 foot nest. Insane
  20. Oh yes, If they protect the queen in an underground tunnel spray wont work. Gas it is the only permanent solution I have found. Even isopropyl works great
  21. You get a bees two lips on your piano you will rethink. Gas it the tulip will be fine
  22. Exactly, first spray long shot hornet killer, pour 4 oz gas down the hole and leave a trail, dip a stick wrapped in paper towel with a tiny bit of gas then toss it, adios mutthafukkahs
  23. When you sit in a craft beer bar its not
  24. Lol so true. I have been to the GON ASOS it literally sits in a salt water marsh swamp
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