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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Many of us had it, sorry you missed it. Another one Kev over and over has told us is similar in climate to his area
  2. Oh like the 24th and 25th of this month, many stations like Storrs Ct right near Kev recorded their monthly lows on the 25th in the 50s and didn't break 80. I realize you were in NH but last week but it your profile
  3. So not yellow jackets, then harmless great pollinators
  4. HFD weather stations will mention BDL a hundred times all the while ignoring the stats from their own city. If only people knew how far BDL is from HFD 16 miles. Same distance KEV is from IJD, yet you would never see him use IJD as representative of his town.
  5. Yep we will see when the rankings come out. Top 5 for sure. No denying its been a hot one. Mix of dews and dry. One extreme weekend only. Many People not in the weather world have said it is hot but at least we dont have bad humidity like we did for 2 days. TV stations will push the BDL narrative hard though
  6. Lol we spent a lot of hours in the 50s last week though, what exactly is a cold front of yore.
  7. City kids pretending one airport represents an entire state. So if Boston is hottest on record then Mass has hottest July on record, its such fraud hot or cold. Take all the airports in a state, average them out then show me some stats and then I will be impressed. Hot July, lots of low dews perfect. Hottest ever in the entire state, we all call bullshit
  8. Just stop with that bullshit. BDL only and thats questionable and its behind 2013 Every other place says meh including where people live. Ct does not encompass one airport. Get out of your metrodome and see the state, its a helluva lot bigger than one airport.
  9. Are they tiny, if so ground bees that wont sting
  10. Yea but living in the country and seeing coyotes kill just for the sake of kill much like Fisher cats leaves me not a fan
  11. Sorry about hat, glad he is ok. Coyotes suck
  12. Isnt it a great feeling after ride after perfect ride. Like you said equal to a face shot powder day. Some have never experienced both
  13. Ct has no open ocean beaches so no surf
  14. Yes that's why we keep our 75 lb half pit boxer, 95 lb half St Bernard half husky, 80 lb Shepard lab mix outside when the little guys are out. There is so much wildlife up here the Coyotes are pretty busy with them, so far. 30 30 within reach at all times
  15. Keeping the hype real bro. The powers to be want to constantly blame every fart on climate change. I have stated maybe 20 times, which you never comment on, the earth is warming. You want to be a total non questioning lemming, that's your prerogative. I question the hype. Same day Paris was on fire the entire globe was 0.2 AN. Keeping it real. The friggin world isn't ending. Natural weather disaster deaths are at historical lows, food production at all time highs. Yes some populations are stricken by famine, mostly political in nature . All in all earths warming, shits happening but the world is not ending.
  16. There's no denying its warmer just less intense
  17. In my part of the world if you told me 35 years ago. Hey your climate change will be some warmer overnights some warmer days but more snow and less intense heat. Sign me up. Lol how site change is suddenly brought up. Your Hartford area graph has site changes
  18. Lol overnight mins sure and increase in max ave but when it really counts for hotter days its less.
  19. Guess about as much as Brians HFD area and 90 % of any climo record from the 1800s
  20. Interestingly taking ORH as example, the number of days with minimums less that 50 has increased from 134 to 140 while the number of days over 85 has decreased from 24 to 15 , applied regression line
  21. Odd in HFD they only have had 12 , 90 degree days, 7th all time. Where people live its been hot/warm and dry with some HHH days like this upcoming. 4 days left in the period
  22. Yesterday was just perfect for this old man, 200 ft rides on 4 to 5 swells forceful enough yet gentle. Great teaching waves. I taught me kids and grandkids the art over the years and they probably spend 6 hrs in the water having contests.
  23. Yep rainy period coming up before the dry mild extended period.
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