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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. We just bought a new outdoor antennae and believe it or not , I can pull in a couple Boston channels, one being whdh. TV fool says tower is 125mi away. Antenna is non amplified and rated for 70 mi. Being up on a hill helps but I'm surprised we can pull that station Shit when I was a kid we had only an outdoor antenna and we picked up WPIX in NYC and watched Yankee games. About as far away as Boston from you. Lol going up on the roof to adjust the antenna while Dad yelled a little to the left, your other left, was always fun.
  2. When does the hammer drop? On to September?
  3. Lol you had more than Ryan in CCT. The Dec 09 blizzard was epic with drifts.
  4. Anyone using indoor antenna for digital TV? Cable is nuts, looking to get out
  5. Lol the never ending snowflake jokes on both sides. I wouldn't mind seeing a shit load of snowflakes early this year, one of those boom its winter mid Novie starts. No science in this, with a BN to normal Winter Spring Summer in NNE most would think early onset of fall would follow. Amazing gradient from NNE to the MA
  6. Damn this is nice today. Garden has exploded this weekend. Very cool breeze with a warm sun. Dog days of August? Meow
  7. I am confused by your statement concerning climate scientists. Are you a climate scientist? I still don't see any reference to people telling climate scientists what to think. However if you believe all are apolitical I don't know what to say. As far as Lyme goes, about time it has gotten the attention it deserves after decades of CDC ignoring, Drs being stripped of credentials for exposing the danger. Glad you are studying this. How long have you been in vector disease? Interesting field. My BS degree is from URI in Environmental Science. At the time,early 90s, URI was the premier University studying Lyme. We participated in field studies in our Grad level Bio class. Good stuff. There was a nature article last month effectively providing a list of what they deemed climate deniers, included in that list were preeminent climate scientists. Huge uproar in the climate science community, surprised you had not heard about it
  8. Early onset fall, some dying throes of summer, paying attention to the tropics is all we can debate now. Ovah
  9. That was in reference to the Nature article. Otherwise who told climate scientists that? Are vectored diseases proven to be linked to climate change? Just asking
  10. Wonder if the gloom and doom climate alarmists here ever think about some of the possible positive effects of a warmer climate. Things like increased crop yields, greener earth, increased areas of viable living space etc etc. We adapt. Deaths from natural disasters are a tenth of just 50 years ago. Stop the planet death throes hype. Use less inflammatory rhetoric. Concentrate on reducing air, water pollution which are bigger more imminent threats. And geezus the your a scientist you must agree with me or we blacklist you is about as fascist as it gets
  11. Its a screen door in a submarine though
  12. All I can say is thank god for football and baseball playoffs. Its almost my favorite sports time of year.
  13. The thing about science fiction, eventually its not fiction
  14. Massive leaf drop today from the Ash and birches. Took me an hour to clean the pool. First time since June I have long pants on. Sad
  15. Things are so rapidly evolving technologically wise it may be the robots problem.
  16. Eventually. Only sure bet there is, Kev would argue, charts lie.
  17. Yea you have gotten hosed so to speak. You and hippy angrily taking pick axes to the rock hard dirt while the rest of us enjoy lush lawns and gardens. The result of summer convective processes, some winnners, some losers.
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