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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Lower tides though but strong current, now push this back 2 weeks for an extremely strong current high tide and we would be talking historic stuff at the coast.
  2. Thats awesome, you guys are gonna miss him. TGFTY
  3. I dont think so. Dewpoints rise clouds increase winds switch to SW around 3 AM unless it drops below last night before then
  4. I swear by all my Kobalt interchangeable battery operated equipment
  5. Look forward to using my blower a lot. I am totally impressed by the electric battery operated options out there and actually bought a battery operated chainsaw that was awesome. Of course it requires electricity to charge and the battery when dead is haz mat and to build one uses tons of precious earth metals. Its nice to imagine a world without combustion engines but not enough people understand the pollution ramifications of alternative energy. There is no free lunch.
  6. It sucked balls in SW RI without 12 92 and 3 93 being half sleet although March was pretty epic
  7. I remember being on Campus for my sophomore year at URI and skipping classes because I didn't want to walk in the brutal wind chills that winter. I skied a ton that year though, still made a 3.2 , don't ask me how just showed up for tests and oral reports. Uncanny ability to skip class, ski, party until late and get up and take an exam I barely studied for. Lol good thing I went back as a older student and really studied and learned
  8. Honestly I would prefer it. Although today is pretty spectacular even at 58 degrees. Nice getting the hoodie on for the Sat morning coffee and sandwich run at Bakers Dozen. I could live with this.
  9. Hopefully belly to belly is heard around 530 today. Definitely a different feel this year but who knows. We were all excited mid Novie last year......
  10. I love you man. Hope all is well. We are on the cusp old man winter. Wonder if Chicago gets accumulating this week.
  11. Looks like Minnesota is ground zero for a major winter storm next week on modeling. Qpf plus .75 to 1.5 on basically all models. Something to watch.
  12. I am talking. .1 here or there really not often
  13. Thats why I keep my Stratus as official but my errors are tenths
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