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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Thats not even close to what I am saying. It’s not as anomalous but it is analogous
  2. Wind definitely a factor on the passing game. Go Gints, at least its a game
  3. Dry air from the north. Still had 33 ft waves just offshore. Could have been a contender. People laughing at Oct 91 analogy should look at upper air setup across the country. If this had come northwest 50 miles the coast would have more issues than the flooding ongoing right now
  4. Was thinking the same thing when I was outside under big cold raindrops but every storm is different not predictors
  5. You are da man Alex. Diane is a good soul
  6. Its coming first worries over the death star posted.
  7. Forecasts have improved immensely. Nws are hereos in tragic conditions. Hype is off the hook in this country. Being first, being the loudest wins. If wrong, like bad news reporting, rarely gets walked back and move on to the next hype. Pete Repete
  8. Its been like this as long as I have been around. Remember all your early childhood disappointments when 8 to 12 turned to 1 to rain. You didn't probably realize the rain option because all you heard was snow. Nothing has changed hype wise just more access to hype. Rather than news at 6 and 11 its news every press of your finger all built on the initial hype.
  9. Are you drinking? HRRR at 6z had me at 2.7, 3K 1.21
  10. Gonna get nasty today. HRRR 3K ramping up rain totals.
  11. Looks like they had a helluva winter SH
  12. True totally always a coastal issue only with some heavy rain at the east facing coast nearest the mid level forcing. If this were winter there would be a different tone and I would be nearing 10 inches lol .8 so far, reports over 1.5 at the south coast of RI
  13. Run of the mill at the coast ( not you Will) might be the worst take I have seen in these threads in years. But anytime it doesn’t effect interior Mass you will see similar posts in here. Look up 12/21/09
  14. That’s a sweet glades run skiers right
  15. That sucks, you did the right thing. AC is so underfunded not surprised.
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