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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Winner winner chicken dinner. Almost time to start the Genny up here. Flashlight tour lots of stuff down.
  2. Happened again to me, right at the dry slot, boom big big gusts and crash bang boom, power is out.
  3. Strong Wind Gusts: 1245 AM: Provincetown, MA: 69 MPH, 1250 AM: Fairhaven, MA - West Island: 67 MPH (KA1WBH-ML), 1254 AM: Wellfleet, MA: 71 MPH #mawx
  4. Point Judith 68 WST 70 Buzzard Bay 61 Gon 59
  5. Westerly WST gusted to 54, cranking here now
  6. Heres your meso gonna pinch off the warm sector
  7. Looking more likely the best winds roar from the Cape up to Maine coast
  8. Just offshore Plymouth Mass, sustained 50. Impressive sounding.
  9. HRRR has a meso forming SW of ACK with high winds to the East that all rotates thru Cape Cod slams Scooter all the way up the Maine coast. Possible seiche in the Gulf Of Maine.
  10. Phil just posted Cape Cod 28 mb drop in 6 hours on the Euro. Are there any records kept for this?
  11. You said James blown into the bay? Your calcs yield 49 mph for him. I am on the 25% reduction coast 30 to 40% inland idea, yields 63 for him
  12. You had to be up around 6am Wed morning to see it. By 7 it had disappeared
  13. You missed the first 12 hrs for Ct RI though. Dont @ me I know it is grossly overdone
  14. Tried sending you a pm but it says you can't receive messages
  15. Switch lol only 10 month and a helluva lot more data. Also he gives you a test site lab.weathermodels.com
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