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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Follow the mesos paths, highest gusts and most damage. Radar velocity, vorticity mesoanalysis, highest gusts, most damage. Damage was worst with each east meso traveling along the wind shift line.
  2. My driveway is covered in bark blown off my neighbors dead oaks. That same oak lost its top in the storm and killed our power for 60 hours. Gonna be a long winter.
  3. Coming up on a crucial period for the battered coast. 2 major erosion events already this Oct. Super high tides end the month. Have to keep a close eye on any major event popping up
  4. Good its too early to even think about snow, especially snow that melts in a couple of hours. COC day today., first day below 30, 29.7
  5. So trolling, great to know, I will just skip your prose. NBD
  6. At a million five a mile good luck, rural roads two miles long with 3 houses , million per house. It’s prohibitive. Repairs to underground’s if failures happen are long expensive and hard to diagnose. It isn’t easy. Maybe in cities and close tightly packed burbs yes but expect to pay through the nose for retrofitting.
  7. You are the strangest person ever on a weather board. My thread, my reputation, lol yea ok. Let me quote someone, I have no reputation to uphold”. Christine was right.
  8. Hey remember this, lol New England fans and fans across the country fell out of their seats when the opening TV shot came on.
  9. Just goes to show its voodoo yet you see it on every media outlet there is. They never go back and judge it. Nothing gets fact checked in the media weather world
  10. My aunt is better than CPC at this. Ralphs weather posted the first map and a look back at last Oct CPC outlook
  11. Lol you had this thing flying to Nova Scotia in 18 hrs.
  12. Why even bother clicking on the thread. Interesting to read this thread from after my first post on how dismissive people are at consistent model outputs.
  13. Get a generator, if this happened in winter it would be a major issue. Since Irene I have now lost power 14 times varying from 8 hrs to 6 days. Power just came on here.
  14. 3 mesos, first one caused considerable damage in SWCT and Springfield area to VT 2nd SW RI SE Ct to NECT to west of ORH. 3rd the strongest hit from Cape Cod to Maine. I annoted the circulations
  15. You can clearly make out the meso sw of ACK that blew up and did so much damage from Cape Cod to Maine.
  16. That would be interesting. Lets get a white Hurricane
  17. Dude I saw video from the ocean yesterday, insane
  18. Thanks Wiz,Just another weenie who loves the tech details of the weather. The meteotsunami stuff really interests me too. Lets hope we dont have a major slow moving coastal the week of the 29th, tides are huge and the current is super strong.
  19. Yep. Its still there and actually flipped around in the wind yesterday.
  20. This storm had it all. The videos from the ocean are insane.
  21. One bad forecast in here. Ray was actually impressed.
  22. Forky just passed out, what meso? Lol Sometimes you have to lift the covers.
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