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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. I preen for a Dec 1970 pattern. Shit Pacific , we had between 17 and 40 inches across SNE with 15 days with snow in the air. I remember it well as a 13 year old map making weenie. Oh how we pray
  2. We have made great cookies out of shit dough before in similar setups.
  3. So strong soueaster Wed before Tday? Looks possible. Heavy heavy travel day
  4. Real long range now but with both GEFS and EPS showing a similar pattern it has my interest. We have scored in this type of pattern before.
  5. Just bustin bro. I will still have interest as its 5 days plus out.
  6. Sure but no one expected accumulation, so you had to throw in the hope he can dig out line, thats where the Masshole in you comes out. Ha
  7. Oh we know but guaranteed you got him wound up. Lol
  8. Name 1 poster who referenced a clown map and said that was what they expected. I am betting you can't. Pretty sure no one in this forum is unaware of clown maps. But I bet those who expected at least flakes saw them. The clown maps did show pretty correctly the extent not the amount
  9. Mirror mirror on the wall whose the biggest douche bag of them all . I vote Dr Dewche bag
  10. It is definitely that time of year where coastal kids and jackpot queens will downplay even small interior events, like clockwork. Its important to show non interest.
  11. Its Scooter ya know. Douchebaggery lol
  12. The WW2 models are in lockstep for Sunday Funday. Need the EU and some USA help
  13. There's thundersnow in them thar hills where the ponytails reside
  14. Think we might have to congrats Pete and Mitch tonight
  15. Damn, November to boot. Impressive cold run up there. SLK ftw
  16. You better stop hey what's that sound. I would not be surprised if I awake to a Tstorm
  17. Peaked my interest, found this gem. In 1897 Dec 28th New London had a 27.5 storm , its biggest storm ever.
  18. Oh man glad you guys are ok. Keep an eye on that little hurting.
  19. There's something happened here what it is ain't exactly clear.
  20. Football for sure, beer not so much.
  21. November is the worst month. Brutal day chilly windy damp spitting rain. No leaves, no sun, no snow, November
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