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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. As Will pointed out earlier, we have scored big in Dec multiple times with a crap Pac. I would hit this
  2. You would have been a ball to have around in Dec 1970
  3. Have zero idea what this post means.
  4. Thanks probably no choice. I added to the post above.
  5. That's exactly where I am, they said I need fusion now. I have collapsed twice in the last 3 weeks due to total loss of control of my left leg. Sucks especially being alone most of the time with my wife working 2 jobs.
  6. Fire on top of Stowe https://www.wcax.com/content/news/Transmitter-fire-interrupts-Channel-3-broadcast-signal-565171832.html
  7. Waiting for 6 hr precip maps between 96 and 120.
  8. 0z Ukie really ⁸liked southern and eastern areas. A tad south from earlier runs but another tool in the box. Lets see what 12 Z brings
  9. Nice Rick. Just read about the freezing rain in Vt causing big problems.
  10. Damn, video of Norfolk Ct is impressive. Quick dumpage there
  11. Cripes looks like mid winter there. I am going to be miserable all winter staring at skiers. I actually have accepted my disability but this part kills me. Go go go my man
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