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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Where East flow assists upslope you mean its cold everywhere cept SE Mass
  2. More like a foot. Lol Eeyore moves to ORH and still worries about qpf
  3. Eggnogs for breakfast. Lol IDK. Thats two different sites showing the same
  4. I didn't make the map. I will have qpf shortly
  5. Hey this is better https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/snowmap.html
  6. Cept where has any Govt agency declared El Nino
  7. Enjoy your bird you turkey. Blessed days with youngsters throwing yams all over the place. I miss them but grandkids do the same only I don't have to clean it up. Blockbuster incoming.
  8. Just try to follow and sorry about the very mean response you got . Tact is lacking and we dont know why he is so angry, probably up all night changing poopy diapers. PS you can direct message me and I will answer your questions I imagine you are a youngster learning, we were all there one time. Massachusetts has some pretty grumpy people so be careful
  9. Its going to be a long duration blockbuster. Take um up
  10. Cold, and 6Z EPS is colder and longer duration. Its the blockbuster that wasn't supposed to be on the table. Raindancewx will claim victory when Logan comes in with 2 while Jerry reports 8 mutthafukas. Lol Happy Turkey day turkies
  11. I only asked you twice lol. Thanks bro
  12. Some arctic infusion into NVT NYS this run
  13. 0 Welcome to the dead zone and far from it.
  14. I always loved raking, my time for peace and quiet when the kids were growing up. Loud leaf blowers aren’t my bag. I do have a small battery operated one for the sidewalks and driveway
  15. My woods love leaves. My lawn mower does too. God invented always hungry for food and money grandkids for a reason
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