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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Expansive precip, deeper at 5H. You are in the game bro
  2. Big hit for Jeffafafa. Dont sleep on this one interior kids
  3. UKMET maps at meteocentre with meteograms are available. Its a torch thru and thru. 40 mm of rain for you
  4. Well... not to try to convince anyone but as Will mentioned above this has ticked cooler and headed back to rapid deepening. The height falls are again impressive. I would not at all be surprised with a 3 to 6 band from the Berks Orh Hills Monads to Jeffafafa in Maine. I am not being optimistic just watching trends.
  5. It is a warm feel. Yesterday's sun was much better
  6. Interesting enough many of their biggest snows were as transition from neg nao to pos was happening. Sometimes some , not you, get caught up in monthly indexes rather than those dailies. So many interesting nuances in dailies. 15 we were blessed with the hugely under valued transient blocking
  7. It was the dislodging of the cold by a massive EPO which provided the impetus for 15. During the week of the Jan 27 massive blizzard the EPO was positive, then reloaded and the rest is our epic generational history.
  8. Hit those peeps up here who live there for some local input. My biggest peeve was wxforecasters who have no local, I mean local as in neighborhoods, who had no clue. Everyone here knows the microclimates in their hood.
  9. You want to slow time? My brother told me his last 6 months seemed like a decade. Mine was abrupt. We will celebrate together after the deed is done. One on one dinner
  10. Ooh tough tough area with the line often there
  11. Codfisherman is that you? Diamond Hill RI? I learned to ski there and at Pine Top
  12. What I have found with the EPO dataset I have since 1948 is we get a loading pattern often. These huge drops in EPO dislodge so much cold it bleeds into the US and very often not always translate to snowy cold times here in New England. The correlation with cold with EPO is our largest telleconnection correlation. Get us the cold like we always say.
  13. Sucks we dont have NPO data for Decembers.
  14. You aint smelling mild in that pattern
  15. The height falls on th Euro are very impressive for Saturday. Don't discount this yet interior SNE
  16. Some in da Berks Monads will see flakes tonight.
  17. So we looking at a black ice situation tonight? Heads up Jerry get those trax out.
  18. I dont think we have to worry about cold at all. If you are going to panic you would should key on flow speed ala Tippy
  19. That flip was hilarious and historical, i will lay odds we don't see it again with this years Pac , (250 mb winds)
  20. Got screwed down on the coast with the Dec 15th 89 storm. I am not seeing huge snows with that flow but things can pop.
  21. A lot of you turks probably have little memory of Dec 1989. I have not felt colder than I did working outside on the Thames River in New London Ct. So heres the 89 5H and todays GEFS EPS
  22. Sad to say 18 hrs is about right for precip rates and types. Sensible weather modeling has taken a huge hit.
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