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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. That's exactly where I am, they said I need fusion now. I have collapsed twice in the last 3 weeks due to total loss of control of my left leg. Sucks especially being alone most of the time with my wife working 2 jobs.
  2. Fire on top of Stowe https://www.wcax.com/content/news/Transmitter-fire-interrupts-Channel-3-broadcast-signal-565171832.html
  3. Waiting for 6 hr precip maps between 96 and 120.
  4. 0z Ukie really ⁸liked southern and eastern areas. A tad south from earlier runs but another tool in the box. Lets see what 12 Z brings
  5. Nice Rick. Just read about the freezing rain in Vt causing big problems.
  6. Damn, video of Norfolk Ct is impressive. Quick dumpage there
  7. Cripes looks like mid winter there. I am going to be miserable all winter staring at skiers. I actually have accepted my disability but this part kills me. Go go go my man
  8. I preen for a Dec 1970 pattern. Shit Pacific , we had between 17 and 40 inches across SNE with 15 days with snow in the air. I remember it well as a 13 year old map making weenie. Oh how we pray
  9. We have made great cookies out of shit dough before in similar setups.
  10. So strong soueaster Wed before Tday? Looks possible. Heavy heavy travel day
  11. Real long range now but with both GEFS and EPS showing a similar pattern it has my interest. We have scored in this type of pattern before.
  12. Just bustin bro. I will still have interest as its 5 days plus out.
  13. Sure but no one expected accumulation, so you had to throw in the hope he can dig out line, thats where the Masshole in you comes out. Ha
  14. Oh we know but guaranteed you got him wound up. Lol
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