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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. I always get a kick out of news hype. Then boom come say Friday the will start the big changes in our forecast teasers. Then the old well modeling has certainly changed bullshit. GP falls for it then the Mets complain when.people diss them. Next day they are back at it, throwing up 10 day forecasts. I laugh at the long range stuff. Ryan and crew are fantastic at the short term and should stick to 5 day, ditch 10 day and concentrate on what reality is. The reality is they probably have a good idea what the temps will be for a week but no clue what the sensible weather will be.
  2. This forum is the ten year definition of insansity. Keep doing the same things over and over and hoping for a different outcome. At some point someone might understand modeling and specificity. Especially since we just had an epic model fail yesterday.
  3. WTF lol what one wants and what one knows about the GFS. And Lol at you having the balls to call someone a snow weenie.
  4. Lol hr 168 I would sell everything. Geezuz guys GFS
  5. Some bloggers on americanwx.com rank the January 2015 blizzard, named Juno by The Weather Channel, right up there with the 2005 blizzard.
  6. Amwrican wx gets a shoutout in this article about the cape. https://capecodlife.com/worst-winter-storms-cape-cod-history/
  7. Maine News Center early look for Tday
  8. Foot in outside Gorham NH Shelburne
  9. Did you zoom in on the picnic table?
  10. There is a good 6 to 8 on the Sunday River Cam
  11. Snow mix in Thompson Ct where I am
  12. Bufkit has an inch for me. I think Kev should get a couple based on what we see in NWCT
  13. Already snowing pretty hard in Ct
  14. Landphoon, lol. That squall line was sick
  15. HRRR even has a couple of inches here
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