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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. If it didn't happen in a east coast city it didn't happen?
  2. Ah just caught up, lots of roads below freezing despite above 32 air.
  3. What's up with all the school delays?
  4. No said majority of SNE 3 to 6 for now. Plenty of time to look at.
  5. This is Wizs second snow map rant this season, let's hope we have 15 to 20 of these. They work out well.
  6. Nice stretching of the 5H vorticity now even on the GFS which had left behind consolidated energy earlier. This stretching induces lift along a long axis well into cold air. At this early stage I would expect a 3 to 6 snow with the potential for more for the majority of SNE. Some SE coastal areas may be warm at the surface for a while to slow accumulations. Fine tune as time dwindles.
  7. I Was just looking at that 2 day period no further
  8. Still all in all this is an impressive look, would not take much shifting.
  9. Jerry and its LA rain. There is also an adage that where the ULL enters the West coast it will exit the East like last week.
  10. Euro did an excellent job with temps this morning. 7 here
  11. Its going to snow where it wants to snow version 2
  12. Nice. Such a sweet spot you are in.
  13. Cool, you can pat your self on the back and beat your chest with a 20 paragraph write up when it doesn't
  14. For you to say it, it must have been good
  15. Yes you highness cuz you are king. Lol congrats, narcissist much? Still doesn't mean you are not confused Meteorologically
  16. You confuse anafront with follow up waves constantly. Yours didn't serve you well Feb 17. Your methodology is confused.
  17. Pretty weak response Ray. History is loaded with waves within days of frontal passage. I realize it's not the barnstorm storms that you seek but to dismiss just cuz is Methodologically unsound
  18. Some look at color maps see rain on one side and snow on the other and define as anafrontal but it’s not this time. Maybe it fails but it wouldn’t be because of Virga or NW drying winds. It would because either the SW failed to materialize or it generated insufficient lift.
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