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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. When CT peeps talk about CT getting skipped over on the RGEM its like the state ends at the Manchester HVN line. I mean this is skipping? 6 hr totals and still pounding
  2. RGEM ish? Just bring it why worry lol I know what you meant
  3. I hope the GFS is right for @Fozz he is bullseye with 20 plus. That would be a fitting welcome to RI. Poor Corey
  4. Man last 3 hr qpf as snow over me head is .60 and still dumping. Thats an insane run for Peter
  5. Different wig? No way. Cranky lives in SE Mass and is extremely wx computer savy. Tip uses free Euro maps
  6. How much for Holliston/Ashland at 411 feet?
  7. I would not write off the CCB on the Euro.
  8. Any coincidence that both Tip and Crankywx have been missing for 6 days each.
  9. Yea thats pretty low and close to the bay. Big differences in snow across those 3 miles
  10. Its pretty damn cold this morning Boston had 33 34 33 highs lows 22 25 22 in 03
  11. Sounds about right. How much for Natick
  12. Mike you put edibles in your coffee now, I know it
  13. Yep 6 Z Euro brings it. Ray just smiled in his Oscar the Grouch footy Pjs with the velcro dumper opener in the back
  14. Wow what the heck are you talking about
  15. Probably you get your 15 to 17 and complain because someone else got 21
  16. Rock and roll Kuchie Koo. Sell or buyers remorse
  17. Euro was colder for me by quite a bit. We take
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