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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Definitely an impactful storm. Dangerous at the bus stops at 6 7 8 am
  2. They?? I guess if it doesn't snow you want it boring. Good to know
  3. Ya know me and nature's signs, birds going nut this morning also saw some seagulls ways inland. Two small signs prior to the biggies. Gonna rock and roll overnight and Monday. Mesos are backing down as it approaches usually a sign to take the under on winds but we shall see. 6 hr change on HRRR is a reduction
  4. Windier that's sustained winds. I think gusts 50 to 55 inland 60s Cape but brief
  5. 6 Z Euro is a total repete of last week in regards to track winds rain.
  6. Euro EPS GEFS GFS all have a low near Islip Kev
  7. Isiaias repete only cool season so less wind I think. Ocean is cold now we invert
  8. Euro was meh outside the Cape Buzzards Bay
  9. First thing I thought of when he made up another rule. We should have a name and list all of Kevs made up rules over the years.
  10. Dry slot huge gusts usually the result
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