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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Exactly why we preach having sub closed 535 below us. You never know who or where until it happens but it does every time. Got to be a mess on the roads
  2. What a crush job for the central ct crew. Probably 6 to 9 , damn lol what a change. Gotta love the ULL passing below us. Ya never know who or where
  3. Theres your 30s. Storm total precips now over 3 in spots
  4. Here ya bro. Take it easy on that shoulder. Wind is cranking here. I can hear it SE of me just roaring
  5. Wait wut.... No chiseled banks. Man you really are getting old
  6. Some wind whipped light snow,looks like OES stuff, covered the deck. 29 degrees
  7. Not feeling it. Great call Ryan. Has the feel of basically non accumulating big flakes with an inch at most here. Hope I am wrong. We did flash freeze so its a skating rink
  8. Lol Orh county gets 9 to 12 yesterday under a WWA and Boston expected 6 to 8 under a WSW. Might as well scrape the whole thing and just go with impact statements
  9. Welcome to 5 years ago. Nice pic with your flip phone
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