Yep. I get it but pretty sure everyone else in the world gets the same things done he does no matter what time they wake up. I enjoy the quiet too. Just wish my coffee on the deck was filled with this scene again
Nothing screams torch like North Northwest and West winds. Probably more like downside risk on overnights upside on highs. There is a landphoon headed for Cape Cod
6z Euro with 2 surges. Snow map looks pretty good with probably another .2 sleet freezing rain and rain SE. Nice fronto thump NE Mass. 2 to 4 lollipop to 6 everyone knows the rules
6z Euro with 2 surges. Snow map looks pretty good with probably another .2 sleet freezing rain and rain SE. Nice fronto thump NE Mass. 2 to 4 lollipop to 6 everyone knows the rules