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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. I just remember so many of these type events where this so called variable density just piles up. Billions of flakes versus multi millions I guess would be the description. As we often reference this type of snow its 12 13 07. I would not be surprised if warning level snows occur right at the line.
  2. New HRRV4 online at Pivotal 6Z. Getting Thumpity. Look out for Thumper the Dumper Kev, MPM ORH Hippy Hunchie Ray line
  3. Because the Nam has issues in all sizes
  4. Why do you guys use 12 when a 3 k meso is available
  5. There is some at 7H which is true across all of SNE. The 8h best is co located with the heaviest rate of precip. Saturate that North and we have plowable up there too
  6. I want this. Lol 2011 this happened to me too https://weather.com/news/trending/video/snow-plow-ruins-shovelers-hard-work
  7. Kind of been what the other non usa models have trying to do
  8. Looks like more qpf? Pretty negligible move but that's how it rolls.
  9. Thanks for the cred. I right now haven't changed my initial read of a 2 to 4 here with 6 lollies in your area to Brian Jeff. Probably a nice glaze here with a little rain before the Arctic unleashes. A fraud 5 windsexy event to follow. Not boring at all
  10. It's like watching warm up bands at a concert. Some are good, some great but the main show is what you came for. Save a horse. If It makes a move towards a stronger WAA event or even follows the lead of the other globals with stronger surface pressure it usually does slowly. ENS are south too
  11. Don't rush your final call. You can still provide a value forecast 12 hrs prior.
  12. Some actually believe its output every day
  13. Thanks for the explanation. I guess we will see.
  14. Broken down by frzrn, sleet, snow. Seems to be pretty good
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