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Ginx snewx

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Everything posted by Ginx snewx

  1. Friday and Monday after Christmas. I think we have solid shots at snow. I dont flip flop every run like some
  2. Surprised you aren't all over the 2 snow chances after the mild up.
  3. Not much but yea but looks like 2 more shots at snow.
  4. Got down to 10 last night. About -4 for the month with 15.2 snow and 5.6 rain.
  5. I imagine the skiing has become good. Perfect Christmas week weather too.
  6. Look out world. Lol congrats man, really frees up your time when they become independent. Makes ya nervous the first couple of months but overall it's a good step towards their independence
  7. You didn't read the responses in the other thread I guess.
  8. Lol next time you see a boy give um 100 bucks and try to get it back. Another cold morning. Ice hangs on.
  9. Hop skip and a jump. These guys act like it's the Allagash. Lol. Great spot, close enough yet far enough. Yea traffic, noise ugh.
  10. Euro and GFS being very similar at 5H is leading credence to an impactful event before 2019 ends
  11. Its taking people in towns weeks to get cable hooked up. Not a rural problem. Mitch can probably get back and forth faster shopping than those who live in the cities. I mean between HFD and Boston I don't know which city is worse for traffic
  12. Famous Jan cold and snow analogs are showing up now. Buckle up
  13. 20 minutes from Bennington, it takes you 20 minutes to leave your town.
  14. Yes. Kev acts like hes living in the Allagash, he is like 20 minutes from town. Big deal
  15. GFS and Euro look nearly identical at 5 H the 30th
  16. I remember a New Years day event not a KU but a decent 6 to 8 type in 1971. I have pics somewhere. I only remember because of the pics of us making a mega snow fort were in the Westerly Sun.
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